neumi5694: My screenshot says otherwise. It asks for file #2.
Was #2 the last file? Sounds about right, store lists it 7.9Gb
neumi5694: But I did try something else after this and I could recreate your scenario. You just misinterpreted it.
I removed the last file. In this scenario the installation would not start at all, as you described. The installer does
not check for all the files in between however. I could remove whatever I wanted but the last file.
Solution: When you split your files to different media, put the .exe file and the last file to the same medium. Since all files are actually smaller than 4GB, this will work with DVDs.
All the other files you can put wherever you want.
Having the last and installer on the same disc certainly would keep you from having to immediately swap discs, pretty sure that doesn't change the file sizes can't really change.
Anyways, i'll grab a game with 3 parts (
Blacktail looks good) and get back with you after i run a handful of tests.
1) Concat to 1 file (last file, so #1, then #3)
2) concat 1&2, leave 3 alone
3) Concat 1 & 3 (add 2 gigs to each 1 and 3)
[s]Once i have these and try to install, i'll give my notes on success/failure.[/s]
Okay updates....
Concat to file #1, it requires file 3
Rename #1 to #3 (all 3 files) it says the file is corrupt
Concat file 1&2 together as -1,bin, says corrupt, but only once it tries to start.
Integrity check, says file is corrupt.
So my previous conclusion, no you can't change or move the data around to other bin files to make it fit media better.