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low rated
never mind
Post edited August 30, 2021 by amok
The game looks rather calm to me. There aren´t even pink cat furries in it.
It's about the same as if you were walking into a store complaining that next to software and games for children they also sell all sorts of adult oriented titles side by side. When there is a market on GOG for such titles, if you personally dislike it, you can either ignore or wait for a suggested filter or specific R18+ category so they are out of your sight but likely not out of your mind.

Adults tend to like such games and there is no reason not to sell or prohibit them, legal ones, anyways. To dislike games with sexual or pornographic content, which I don't believe GOG has ever or will ever sell such, while consuming shooter and violence is indeed hypocrisy. I'm not saying that that's you. More like a general observation whenever this topic comes up which isn't the first time.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by Mori_Yuki
low rated
Mori_Yuki: [...] games with sexual or pornographic content, which I don't believe GOG has ever or will ever sell such[...]
a bit too late... gOg is already selling games wirh 'sexual or pornographic content' such as Hunipop 1 and 2, and hey sold games like Lula: The Sexy Empire

They are also going to sell the game in question here, Subverse ( and the upcomming Succubus, which is very graphic (

So for better or worse, gOg is dipping their toes in this market as well.
Mori_Yuki: games with sexual or pornographic content, which I don't believe GOG has ever or will ever sell such
If you mean "live action sexual or pornographic content", then no, I don't think they will pursue it either. Otherwise Subserve is pretty much it in terms of animated sexual or pornographic content, or better said a game centered around it. If you have any doubts, feel free to browse the developer's website and check out their other... materials :P.

amok: a bit too late... gOg is already selling games wirh 'sexual or pornographic content' such as Hunipop 1 and 2, and hey sold games like Lula: The Sexy Empire
Those are indeed sexual, but not pornographic. No sure about Lula, since I've never played it, but in Huniepop there's only innuendo beside some (optionally) graphical artwork you unlock.

Subverse and Succubus are pushing into the pornographic territory, which was not previously a thing on GOG (outside of maybe some patched graphic novels - I can't say because I'm not a fan of those).
Post edited August 30, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
Mori_Yuki: [...] games with sexual or pornographic content, which I don't believe GOG has ever or will ever sell such[...]
amok: a bit too late... gOg is already selling games wirh 'sexual or pornographic content' such as Hunipop 1 and 2, and hey sold games like Lula: The Sexy Empire

They are also going to sell the game in question here, Subverse ( and the upcomming Succubus, which is very graphic (

So for better or worse, gOg is dipping their toes in this market as well.
I knew GOG was selling Visual Novels which are of sexual nature though not necessarily pornographic. I wouldn't think there had ever been any complaints about that. I haven't seen or read anything about actual pornographic games being sold here but don't deny that this is a possible direction GOG could be heading to.

I don't know how to classify the game you mentioned, whether this is pornographic or strong visual sexual content and more in line with VN as they are already sold even though censored. That is, there is need to either buy or download a patch, to 'enjoy' the full content if that's what someone really is into.
low rated
Mori_Yuki: [...]
I don't know how to classify the game you mentioned, whether this is pornographic or strong visual sexual content
what's the difference?
amok: what's the difference?
This explains it best I think. In this day and age, at least in terms of game classification, "sexual content" usually falls under softcore, while "pornography" under hardcore.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
OK taking the medium of violence as a bar, games are a representation of an activity, socialable or not. Nevertheless I have seen people playing with action figures, namely "David X Cohen" in his mid twenties (age) at his desk from which he directed the series Futurama. Now at this age it looked imature and ridiculous a full grown man, fantasizing that his toys were inflicting violence upon each other. Would it still seem the same shoud the toys be made to appear to have anal sex with each other.

Like I have said I have some of these games in a library, as the art as some have mentioned, is not really any different from a saucy romance novel (which are equally as graphic).

It would just seem to me that not everything is so easily generalised, action/strategy games to me transcend the visual impetus to me and apply to the use of the mind and or reactions, equally should it be multiplayer, the suggestion of the achievement of ones opponent would more likely equate to the methodologies I had myself employed for his victory/defeat.
amok: what's the difference?
WinterSnowfall: This explains it best I think. In this day and age, at least in terms of game classification, "sexual content" usually falls under softcore, while "pornography" under hardcore.
Thank you very much! This explains it very well.

amok: I can't explain it and can only say that in relation to games the difference is that one has mostly static pictures of normal sexual scenes. That's what's likely to be found inside VN sold here, it is nothing out of the ordinary, like normal sex or services. Leaving aside that in some cases they contain animals looking like humans and such things, and some catering to LBG, which I guess could be described as special taste but nothing close to the hardcore as is described in the Wiki article, WinterSnowfall kindly provided. When it is with tentacles and really obscene and hardcore things, BDSM and what else there is, this to me falls into the pornographic and hardcore category and that certainly doesn't exist on GOG.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by Mori_Yuki
high rated
Since I think that GOG might read this thread to get some impression of how their customers are feeling about them allowing AO games here let me just say that I welcome this step. Everybody who does not want a certain genre of games should simply ignore them and not buy them. Those that are interested however will have the option to buy those games DRM-free if they are offered here. I am also confident that GOG will draw a line for themselves of what games they want here and what games they don't want here anyway. DRM-free is a about freedom and imo this is just another step to get more freedom of choice without any censoring (which never helped and never will).
high rated
It is a sad reflection when I have seen more people on these Crusades (phrasing intended) against DRM-free games they personally don't like, than I see questioning GOG's increasing steps towards DRM! (Cyberpunk map, among other examples discussed in separate threads).

I say bring on adult games, bring on blasphemous games, bring on "edgy" games, as long as all are DRM-free of course. Everything in mainstream entertainment is basically catered to comedy and taking care to not be "too dark!" Not be "too sexy!". People who enjoy the alternatives should get to have fun too.
Post edited August 30, 2021 by rjbuffchix
This might actually be the game that breaks my GoG boycott, since steam cannot sell this to german customers.
If i can buy this here, i will.
Personally, I'm not even touching such games (I'm also not sharing nihilism and attitude, that games should depict every possible filth just because they can).

That being said, I would understand that GOG is releasing ALSO this kind of games, due to general attitude, that GOG is releasing variety of titles, to please tastes of their customers of all kind. So also those clients, who (by any possible reason) are willing to buy such games.

But GOG is giving me arguments against this, as I see that GOG doesn't have any problem with releasing visual novels with porn, furries etc, and other stuff like that, at the same time refusing to release such games as Countryball Heroes or Warbanners. For me fact, that such "filthy" kind of games can be released on GOG, but solid turn-based strategies/tactic games - not, is saying more, than anything else.

Such attitude is basically eliminating any value from the "curation" of games on GOG - it doesn't show neither "liberal" method (with accepting most titles, except asset flips and other junk like that), nor "strict" one (with choosing only exceptional, high quality titles).
DrazilT: However the propriatory format that is Steam, has it locked behind an adult only 'compartment' of Steam, as redtube is to youtube.
Do you think that redtube is run by google? *smirk*