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Seems to be nice
Lucumo: Not really a list of porn games, if you need an 18+ patch to be able to see anything. Those basically belong to the "normal" games.
Uncensored/uncrippled (without content removed) ones however...
MarkoH01: Well, the games that offer such a patch are SUPPOSED to get uncensored and you can get those patches for free on the website of said devs. For me it is just a "logisical solution" to GOG not wanting to sell those games uncensored (for whatever reason).
Not necessarily actually. Some of those patches cost money because publishers like to abuse and some people are fine being abused. Also, Steam does offer, as I wrote some pages ago, uncensored games, including ones with loli content and the like. That's why, despite knowing where you are coming from, it's better to see it how it is. Almost all the games on that list have cut content here and are, as such, not 18+ titles. The expectation of what people are supposed to do doesn't matter, especially considering when now, GOG also starts stocking straight up uncensored 18+ titles.

morolf: You should be careful, excessive porn consumption can lead to exhaustion and an early death.
Mr.Mumbles: You forgot the bazillions of dead kittens!
Reminds me of that one American Dad episode...except there you grow hair everywhere and your eyes pop out if you masturbate...if I remember correctly.
Lucumo: Not necessarily actually. Some of those patches cost money because publishers like to abuse and some people are fine being abused. Also, Steam does offer, as I wrote some pages ago, uncensored games, including ones with loli content and the like. That's why, despite knowing where you are coming from, it's better to see it how it is. Almost all the games on that list have cut content here and are, as such, not 18+ titles. The expectation of what people are supposed to do doesn't matter, especially considering when now, GOG also starts stocking straight up uncensored 18+ titles.
Those patches that were mentioned before are completely fee.
These games are 18+ games even though they are not before applying the patch - that's correct. But since the patches I mentioned are completely free to download (and in the case of huniepop you can create the patch yourself if you want) I don*'t see the difference. In the end I am getting the 18+ game after buying it here on GOG.
Post edited September 03, 2021 by MarkoH01
Lucumo: Not necessarily actually. Some of those patches cost money because publishers like to abuse and some people are fine being abused. Also, Steam does offer, as I wrote some pages ago, uncensored games, including ones with loli content and the like. That's why, despite knowing where you are coming from, it's better to see it how it is. Almost all the games on that list have cut content here and are, as such, not 18+ titles. The expectation of what people are supposed to do doesn't matter, especially considering when now, GOG also starts stocking straight up uncensored 18+ titles.
MarkoH01: Those patches that were mentioned before are completely fee.
These games are 18+ games even though they are not before applying the patch - that's correct. But since the patches I mentioned are completely free to download (and in the case of huniepop you can create the patch yourself if you want) I don*'t see the difference. In the end I am getting the 18+ game after buying it here on GOG.
If you say so. No clue myself since I don't know them. I thought we had expanded towards talking about such games in general (and not just about the ones on that list), hence me referencing different kinds, including the paid-for patches and the straight up uncensored/uncut games.
Hmm, you would also have to take into account that those patches aren't apparently advertised on the games' pages (at least on the ones I just checked). So customers without that knowledge would just play the game as sold here. Of course, there is also the question whether that would be the "average customer" or not. Another point might be how the version that is sold here is officially rated.
While that view is understandable, it's still very subjective. If you look at it from a neutral if GOG would create an "adult section" in the store. Would the games that require patches be listed there when games like Subverse are around? I doubt that. That's why I disagreed with putting both kinds on the same list of "porn games" in context of the GOG store.

For future lists and if GOG goes the way of Steam, there would have to be three different lists:
1. Uncut games
2. Games with paid-for patches on an external website
3. Games with free patches on an external website

(Information about whether a game is mosaic'ed or not could even be added as well.)
Lucumo: While that view is understandable, it's still very subjective. If you look at it from a neutral if GOG would create an "adult section" in the store. Would the games that require patches be listed there when games like Subverse are around? I doubt that. That's why I disagreed with putting both kinds on the same list of "porn games" in context of the GOG store.
I am pretty sure that IF GOG actually WOULD create an adult only section (which I still doubt since it would be the first non German store I'd see this) there's no reason to sell such games censored at all - in that case the publishers could easily offer GOG the uncensored versions which is what they wanted in the fist place but GOG rejected those. But yes, if they would still sell censored and uncensored games (that can be uncensored via patch) they probably would put them i different sections - I do agree.
SEX is great and needed that's just evolution. SEX is Cosmic between compatible partners. <3

I'm for more adult video game content.

Btw, I'm single and ready to mingle Ladies <3
Post edited September 03, 2021 by novumZ
MarkoH01: I am pretty sure that IF GOG actually WOULD create an adult only section (which I still doubt since it would be the first non German store I'd see this) there's no reason to sell such games censored at all - in that case the publishers could easily offer GOG the uncensored versions which is what they wanted in the fist place but GOG rejected those. But yes, if they would still sell censored and uncensored games (that can be uncensored via patch) they probably would put them i different sections - I do agree.
Did you mistype the part in the brackets? Because there are definitely non-German stores that have a separated non-adult and adult section. Of course, if for you that entails providing actual proof of your age, then no clue because to enter the adult section in those stores you only have to say "sure" when the pop-up arrives asking you whether you are 18+ years old.
As for no reason to sell the games's a mess currently. I mean, on Steam apparently anything goes and still you have those three possibilities. Granted, the paid-for patches do make sense because it's extra money for greedy publishers. They wouldn't wanna get rid of those unless they get pressured by customers.
Post edited September 03, 2021 by Lucumo
Lucumo: Did you mistype the part in the brackets? Because there are definitely non-German stores that have a separated non-adult and adult section. Of course, if for you that entails providing actual proof of your age, then no clue because to enter the adult section in those stores you only have to say "sure" when the pop-up arrives asking you whether you are 18+ years old.
Exactly, I meant a special section with actual age control. It did not even come to my mind to mention those stupid "I am 18" checks that imo aren't even worth the programming that has gone into them.

Lucumo: As for no reason to sell the games's a mess currently. I mean, on Steam apparently anything goes and still you have those three possibilities. Granted, the paid-for patches do make sense because it's extra money for greedy publishers. They wouldn't wanna get rid of those unless they get pressured by customers.
I meant that there is no reason to sell censored games in the case of those games for which the publishers also provided a free patch. In case of those few games in which the publishers actually demand additional money I guess it would be handled like a basic and deluxe edition so more money by selling both.
Post edited September 03, 2021 by MarkoH01
low rated
morolf: And I've gone into self-imposed exile from the German forum, I couldn't deal with the enthusiasm for porn games there.
MarkoH01: Well, the feeling is mutual - we couldn't stand your hatred for some stupid and extremely harmless videogames anymore as well. Hope you have fun here in the international forum wilth all those people who understand and support you ... which btw. does not really seem to be the case - but I am sure you will win this fight in the end. You dropped your stupid Taliban argument a second time so the argumets are there to win this discussion and make them all believers ;)

And now I am going back into the German forum, discussing my favorite topic porn, porn, porn ... maybe I could introduce some porn talk at work tomorrow because we all know there is nothing more important than this in the world for me. And guess what - even if I actually WOULD do such a thing, not a single person would get hurt by it. It's called freedom - you should google it.
Putting completely aside from the topic of discussion - I wouldn't be so proud about teasing and mocking another user together with the majority, just because someone has written something you don't like.

Returning to the topic - it's really surprising that opinions that "junky games" shouldn't be included in GOG's offer (and by junky I mean just the genre and type they personally don't enjoy) are considered as fine, but when it comes to games with porn motives, suddenly so many people are literally behaving like crazy. Not to mention missing the point pseudo-arguments like "if you don't like it, don't buy, and shut up". I see that the culture of discussion is extremely low in this matter.

Besides - I've noticed there was mentioned the topic of the influence of porn on human's brain - feel free to use the web browser, it doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to find more detailed info. It's much better than repeating some meaningless "jokes" like "yeah, and masturbating is causing a blindness".Kinda surprising, the internet is so widely available nowadays, yet many prefer to stay in their ignorance, just because facts are not proving something "you like"..
low rated
MartiusR: Besides - I've noticed there was mentioned the topic of the influence of porn on human's brain - feel free to use the web browser, it doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to find more detailed info.
(I won't participate in this discussion anymore, just thought that as a final statement I'd link to this, to show that there indeed might be a serious case for negative effects of porn consumption).
low rated
MartiusR: Besides - I've noticed there was mentioned the topic of the influence of porn on human's brain - feel free to use the web browser, it doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to find more detailed info.
(I won't participate in this discussion anymore, just thought that as a final statement I'd link to this, to show that there indeed might be a serious case for negative effects of porn consumption).
Thanks for the link - have hope that at least some of users from the forum will read it, this topic is serious and definitely should not be limited to some crude jokes (like those which appeared in the thread).
low rated
MartiusR: Thanks for the link - have hope that at least some of users from the forum will read it, this topic is serious and definitely should not be limited to some crude jokes (like those which appeared in the thread).
Thanks for your comments, I appreciate them.
high rated
(I won't participate in this discussion anymore, just thought that as a final statement I'd link to this, to show that there indeed might be a serious case for negative effects of porn consumption).
I'm sorry... I really tried to read this to at least get a glimpse of how things are from your point of view, but when I got to: "Might Porn Cause Societal Collapse?", I stopped considering the possibility of taking anything the author has written in a serious manner.

While there is such a thing as porn addiction, when it prevents one from having normal sexual relations, the majority of people are not in that situation, though it seems you see it as such. And when you base your point of view on what is clear hyperbole and cherry picked situation when it does do harm, it does not pass muster.

Your views are largely skewed by your personal dislike of the content, and while I don't question that is one way to look at it, at the same time I'm not sure why you consider it unreasonable that to some people it's just a complementary way to relieve some sexual tension when other means are unaccessible.

As with all things in life, it's the excess that causes harm. Otherwise you're denying a part of yourself.

I'm sure all you Dragon Age fans never lusted over Morrigan in any way, wondered how it might be to be loved by a sorceress femme fatale? Head on over to StudioPow's website and try "The Ritual". You'll have a little fun, live a little excitement that is pure fantasy, and let off some steam at the end of a hard day. If you are afraid this "ritual" will forever leave its mark of shame upon you or alter your brain patterns, then I don't think you really understand human sexuality in the first place.

But anyway, let us end all this talk of stupidity. Love and be loved in whichever way you feel comfortable. Bury your pitchforks and stop your witch hunts. Be kind. Live and let live. Memento mori.
Post edited September 03, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: I'm sure all you Dragon Age fans never lusted over Morrigan in any way, wondered how it might be to be loved by a sorceress femme fatale?
Not that this has anything to do with anything really, but honestly I mostly hated her and eventually near the end she just sort of fucked off and left because I wasn't having none of her shit anymore and I replaced her in the squad with a dog and things were nicer immediately.

What were we talking about, again? Ah, yes. Titties bad and scary Y/N. Carry on.
Post edited September 03, 2021 by Breja
amok: the problem, though, is who decide what is or what is not art? For example Tracy Emin's bed, Carl Andre's 'Bricks', Damine Hirst;s 'Mother and Child'. Piet Mondrian's 'Composition in Yellow' / 'Composition in red', David Buliuk's "Dedication to Cezanne', Robert Mapplethorpe's 'The Perfect Moment' and so on ans so forth. Who is the arbiter of what is or what is not art?

edit - not to mention the whole Dadaist movement....
Where is the quality in the examples you've given?

My point was people equating art which is rubbish compared to something more worthy otherwise you just end up with people calling everything art.

Of course you can turn that argument on it's head and say that if everything is art then nothing is.
Perhaps I should buy a ball of nothing and put it on a little table and claim it is art then charge millions for it on that basis.