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low rated
thx, you've expressed that perfectly, that's exactly the reason why I dislike such phrases. They're meant to delegitimize any dissent and close down discussion (because who could argue against "history"?).
Post edited September 02, 2021 by morolf
Please allow me to smooth the waters with an educational song!
psychozof: # 18+ patch available
Lucumo: Not really a list of porn games, if you need an 18+ patch to be able to see anything. Those basically belong to the "normal" games.
Uncensored/uncrippled (without content removed) ones however...
Well, the games that offer such a patch are SUPPOSED to get uncensored and you can get those patches for free on the website of said devs. For me it is just a "logisical solution" to GOG not wanting to sell those games uncensored (for whatever reason).
Post edited September 02, 2021 by MarkoH01
morolf: Is it meant to be sexy though? I thought it was a game set in hell, with a lot of graphic violence.
Also, the very thought of a succubus demon who rips off men's genitalia is pretty unerotic imo. I certainly wouldn't want to meet such a demon.
ssling: Oh boy, guess never heard of things like vore or guro. I don't know much about this particular game but by looking on screenshots seems pretty unambiguous to me. And I thought all Germans are lewd :P
You're confusing us with the French. :P
morolf: And I've gone into self-imposed exile from the German forum, I couldn't deal with the enthusiasm for porn games there.
Well, the feeling is mutual - we couldn't stand your hatred for some stupid and extremely harmless videogames anymore as well. Hope you have fun here in the international forum wilth all those people who understand and support you ... which btw. does not really seem to be the case - but I am sure you will win this fight in the end. You dropped your stupid Taliban argument a second time so the argumets are there to win this discussion and make them all believers ;)

And now I am going back into the German forum, discussing my favorite topic porn, porn, porn ... maybe I could introduce some porn talk at work tomorrow because we all know there is nothing more important than this in the world for me. And guess what - even if I actually WOULD do such a thing, not a single person would get hurt by it. It's called freedom - you should google it.
Post edited September 02, 2021 by MarkoH01
low rated
Post edited September 02, 2021 by morolf
MarkoH01: And now I am going back into the German forum, discussing my favorite topic porn, porn, porn ... maybe I could introduce some porn talk at work tomorrow because we all know there is nothing more important than this in the world for me.
morolf: You should be careful, excessive porn consumption can lead to exhaustion and an early death. Or at least make you impotent with flesh and blood partners, because you've become desensitized by all that porn.
Yeah, sure - and Aliens will destroy our world. But thank you, with this you finally made me understand where you are coming from. I guess there is nothing more to say.
low rated
Post edited September 02, 2021 by morolf
MarkoH01: It's called freedom - you should google it.
Better not. Sounds dirty and perverted.
low rated
Post edited September 02, 2021 by morolf
morolf: You should be careful, excessive porn consumption can lead to exhaustion and an early death.
You forgot the bazillions of dead kittens!
Post edited September 02, 2021 by Mr.Mumbles
Breja: Better not. Sounds dirty and perverted.
morolf: Availability of porn as an indicator of freedom is really a bit silly imo.
This whole thread is silly. I am silly. You are silly.

Come to think of it, we really should stop imemdiately.
Monty Phyton and the Holy Grail - "Get on with it" (complete scene) :D
low rated
Breja: This whole thread is silly. I am silly. You are silly.

Come to think of it, we really should stop imemdiately.
You're probably right about all of that.
I'm going to limit myself to talking about games (ones I'm playing myself, that is) in future and won't comment on porn and similar issues anymore.
Post edited September 02, 2021 by morolf
morolf: Availability of porn as an indicator of freedom is really a bit silly imo. Actually I'd say Western Europe and the US have become significantly less free over the last 40 years or so, because the bounds of "acceptable" discourse are steadily contracting on most issues ("cancel culture" and all that).
Yes. And all that started from political correctness cracking down on edgy jokes. Availability of making edgy jokes was also thought to be a silly indicator of freedom and all not that important.