o_Obex: The age verification was always that ridiculous here in Germany.
10 years ago I registered at a german blu-ray site, where you just can add movies and games to your collection list. Just to be able to see the 18+ movies and games COVERS, I had to do the "Postident-Verfahren" - go to my next postal office, show my ID and pay 10 € ...
Technically, the online ID API today would allow for requesting only age information over government servers, keeping the verification guaranteed, secure and anonymous for the end website and requiring only your ID card and an NFC-capable phone (it's how you can login to ELSTER tax returns already, though that site obviously queries more than just age).
Unfortunately, this variant is expensive to implement so no retailer bothers to, considering that adult games in Germany aren't that significant of a market (yet).
Even Google is experimenting with a system where you send them a
photograph of your ID instead, which they would obviously prefer (since for Google more data = more better).
I'm kinda scared that Google might actually have enough power to get people to relent and send their IDs to use their services going forward.
It's not that German age verification laws are especially unreasonable nowadays, it's that companies don't consider it worth the dev investment or not beneficial to respect user privacy (as that is not profitable).