Arinielle: Hmm... poster above me is in Germany and wants this game here.. guessing it's because Steam had to block a few types of games from sale because of laws there changing. That won't change when they found out what other stores are going to be possible to sell the games one store isn't allowed at that time. Careful what you wish for.
MarkoH01: Not true. Our laws did not change. There sinply were some institutions (which had NOTHING to do with any law and therefore it is quite ridiculous) that thought that it would be too easy to get AO material on the net and therefore they pressured Valve and others ... Valve went the way of least resistence and blocked such games in Germany.,3365462.html "Der konkrete Grund für die Sperrung von Spielen mit sexuellen Inhalten war eine Beschwerde der Medienanstalt Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein... "
Translation: "The reason for the region lock for games with sexual content was a complaint of the "Medienanstalt Schleswig-Holstein..."
To make it more clear:
"Die Medienanstalt Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein ist zuständig für die Zulassung, Aufsicht und Überprüfung von privaten Rundfunkanbietern und Internetseiten."
Translation: "The "Medienanstalt Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein" is responsible to oversee and evaluate private broadcasts and internet sites"
As you can see - they have nothing to do with any laws in fact they anren't even responsible for the whole country ... they complained and Steam went the easy route.
Also, again the only reason for this complaint was that children could get access to those sites far too easily. Valve thought it would be too complicated to restrict just children (age verification) and decided to simply block everyone with a German ip. So Valve is to blame as well.
Ah, I see now. Thanks. .. sorry, been busy irl so just now checking things.