GameRager: The two tiered adult rating system, or the idea about gog?
amok: The two tiered adult rating system
Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, it's odd but that's the system we rating for mature stuff(for adults yet not porn) and one for pure porn.
dudalb: No, they don't. GOG has a perfect right to choose what games it sells and what does not.
I think GOG' thinking is a medley risqué game like the Leisure Suit Larry games are OK< but something a lot harder like Subverse is billing itself is something they would rather not handle.
Grealty amused by people who probably could not run a corner lemonade stand sucessfuly telling a company how to run it's business.
But I do think GOD should have ,our of common courtesy, replied to the puvlishers.
1. They have the right, just as some of us have the right to be upset at what we see as censorship.
2. Because one must be a business maverick in order to have any opinion on the matter, apparently.
3. Agreed