kohlrak: Where's the menu item for that, anyway? Or is it just some little "we have this nifty little secret url we pass along to people without a button"? It certainly worked for me, but i'd like to know how i should've gone about doing it without your link.
PaterAlf: I don't think there is a button for it. But I wouldn't call it a secret either. With many problems it's the first thing that support or blues tell people to try. So the link has been posted on the forum about a million times by now.
kohlrak: Contact support, but be careful. I actually have the GOTY version of TW3, but i also have the immovable object. Personally, i'm OK with it there. I use gogrepo, anyway, so i feel safer with the glitch there than with them potentially accidentally removing the copy i have getting confused.
EDIT: Attatching screenshot so people know we're not nuts.
PaterAlf: Your screenshot is strange. It says that you don't own "The Witcher 3" basegame, which is probably the reason why you can't hide it. How did it get into your account?
The free DLC could be added to your account, even if you didn't have the main game, yet.