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We're happy to let you all know about the next step we're taking to improve your experience with GOG and discover great games more seamlessly – introducing the quick preview feature showing more details about games at a glance.

Sitting currently at almost 7000 products, including DLCs and extras, it may sometimes feel overwhelming to browse through the catalog looking for "your next adventure". With the quick preview in the catalog, you'll receive the most crucial information on the game by just hovering the cursor over the game tile – take a peek at screenshots, check the rating, discover the game's features and assigned tags. If a game picks your interest you can add it directly to the cart or put it on your wishlist by clicking on the heart, without visiting its page.

We hope that this functionality will further improve the discoverability of the games, and help you find exactly what you want, in the shortest time possible.
Let us know how you like the quick preview in the comments.
Add another to the tally of "nice, I guess, but I don't really care (as long as it doesn't affect the site's performance)." Though the first thing that came to mind when checking it out is that a game's release year should probably be shown somewhere in the preview tile.

fronzelneekburm: Personally, I'd quite like to see the ability to sort games by the date they were added to gog make a return
Seconded. It's really a pain sometimes to keep abreast of what's come out recently, even if checking the front page every day (which I still do at least on weekdays, for the most part).
MarkoH01: t that isn't accepted by quite a large section of their customers
DerBesserwisser: got anything to back that up, except feelings / impressions ?
The feedback about it given in this forum and the one dedicated to Galaxy shows a pretty clear picture to mebut of course I don't have any numbers here so you might as well call it "feeling". The missing basic features however are clearly a fact. However Galaxy being not as good as it was supposed to be was not the main point of the post you took this quote from - it was just a sidenote for the fact that GOG in most cases in the past decided to change things based on "feelings" as well - instead of simply listening to their customer base.
Post edited October 07, 2022 by MarkoH01
DerBesserwisser: got anything to back that up, except feelings / impressions ?
MarkoH01: The feedback about it given in this forum and the one dedicated to Galaxy shows a pretty clear picture to mebut of course I don't have any numbers here so you might as well call it "feeling". The missing basic features however are clearly a fact. However Galaxy being not as good as it was supposed to be was not the main point of the post you took this quote from - it was just a sidenote for the fact that GOG in most cases in the past decided to change things based on "feelings" as well - instead of simply listening to their customer base.
The problem is that a lot of people take that feeling and make a case out of it. But my intention wasn't to go against your general sentiment, i just hoped to get my eyes on some actual numbers.
While I don't think that a significant group of gog customers resents the 2.0 client (usually people don't post if they are ok with something) I am baffled by the fact that gog does not slip in a feature users wished for now and then just to make the active forum members happy. For the most part, those wishes don't even require big development efforts: just a dev, a day of implementation and a half day of testing, Like the Quick-menu for the tray icon which was wished for already in the early alpha testing phase, even with a dev posting that hes giving some thought to it.
avatar We hope that this functionality will further improve the discoverability of the games, and help you find exactly what you want, in the shortest time possible.
Let us know how you like the quick preview in the comments.
I do like this new feature. It's nice to get a quick glance at screenshots without having to click on it and the ability to wishlist games.

Suggestion: To further improve this feature you should make tags interactable.
Post edited October 07, 2022 by Mori_Yuki
This was actually the first time in years that I opened the catalogue pages :D To check out this new feature.
Nice enough for people who want it.
I'll stick with my seeing news post and adding games then to wishlist.
Took you long enough
badacid: I have a small suggestion; reformat it so the wishlist on mobile shows which games are currently discounted and by what amount, rather than just showing the final price with no indicator that's on sale.
You can "emulate" that by setting the price-filter to "discounted"
Thanks, I hate it.

I get what you are trying to do. The concept is not exactly flawed. The problem is that it forces the page into the 3 huge thumbnail format instead of the preferable list format for sale pages.

If you were to integrate this preview feature INTO the list format it would be acceptable. Otherwise you have been pushing the 3 thumbnail format for years and its been rejected over and over and over again.

Stop trying to make it a thing, Gretchen. Its never going to happen.
Breja: You may. To which I would respond that autoplaying videos are just about the most annoying thing any website can have, and it would turn this new feature from "possibly ok" to "well, I guess I hate browsing the store now".
goglin: +1
Even more on mobiles with low bandwidth and/or limited traffic.
No worries, all is configurable.
Feels a bit slow to open, but other than that, I really like this. I wanted to be able to see reviews more easily, and screenshots are probably the second most important thing for me, and both of those are in the preview. Thanks for the update, I like it!
Oh crap, please don't do this. Things popping up (or moving, playing, doing things) if I just pass my mouse pointer over something is just awful, and makes me wary of even having the mouse on the active area of the screen, trying to avoid "touching" anything if I have to move it. At the very least, make it possible to disable it!
Thank you.
Unless it is just happening to me (seems unlikely since I tried a fresh profile and it still happens), the store dropdown links almost all being broken for at least a couple of days without, it seems, triggering an excessive 404 alert suggests that few people ever use that dropdown. Which reminds me that one reason I don't use the catalog much is that it is annoying to get to, with the link at the bottom of a long list. I suggest replacing the whole store dropdown with the word "browse" that directly links to the catalog.
joveian: Unless it is just happening to me (seems unlikely since I tried a fresh profile and it still happens), the store dropdown links almost all being broken for at least a couple of days without, it seems, triggering an excessive 404 alert suggests that few people ever use that dropdown.
Either you're talking about a different store dropdown – other than the item on the top bar between the logo and about – it does not happen to me. I've just opened all of them and didn't get a single 404.
Interesting, are you using Firefox? If not, maybe it is a Firefox specific issue. I'm still seeing /en/en/ in all links except the top two.