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We're happy to let you all know about the next step we're taking to improve your experience with GOG and discover great games more seamlessly – introducing the quick preview feature showing more details about games at a glance.

Sitting currently at almost 7000 products, including DLCs and extras, it may sometimes feel overwhelming to browse through the catalog looking for "your next adventure". With the quick preview in the catalog, you'll receive the most crucial information on the game by just hovering the cursor over the game tile – take a peek at screenshots, check the rating, discover the game's features and assigned tags. If a game picks your interest you can add it directly to the cart or put it on your wishlist by clicking on the heart, without visiting its page.

We hope that this functionality will further improve the discoverability of the games, and help you find exactly what you want, in the shortest time possible.
Let us know how you like the quick preview in the comments.
I don't see the point of this feature myself, but some apparently appreciate it.

Lone_Scout: Nice, but not as nice as GOG mixes, to mention something...
JoaoPauloZA: I misspoke. I meant the date sorting(oldest first) feature in our libraries. Lists Cyberpunk as the oldest game I have. lol
Even older than Dink Smallwood. ;-) No biggie
Ah!, no worries... :)
MarkoH01: t that isn't accepted by quite a large section of their customers
got anything to back that up, except feelings / impressions ?
idbeholdME: Not sure if intended, but it only works in the grid view and not in the list view, which is my preferred browsing method.
I'd suggest keeping the list view popup free (I don't mind this change so far but popups can be annoying so some way to not have them is great) but adding a "big list" view that always has the screenshot viewer for every game in the list. Maybe even a bit of extra space and styled something like the recent insomnias.
Cool, what about key rebinding features? No idea when I buy a game if I'll be able to play it with my keyboard due key rebinding not being implemented, or partly, making the game unplayable.

Also: this doesn't seem to work in Galaxy...
Post edited October 06, 2022 by Zoidberg
Zoidberg: Also: this doesn't seem to work in Galaxy...
Old/outdated browser engine I suspect...
avatar If a game picks your interest...
DoomSooth: Piques. :)
At least it makes a change from the usual "peaks" error.
i_ni: May I suggest to have the main game trailer autoplayed if a set time (of ~ 5s) expires?
Breja: You may. To which I would respond that autoplaying videos are just about the most annoying thing any website can have, and it would turn this new feature from "possibly ok" to "well, I guess I hate browsing the store now".
Even more on mobiles with low bandwidth and/or limited traffic.
Cool, but I can't recall the last time I actually visited the store.
I like the feature. I like that it doesn't activate on the main page as I prefer to quick scroll through it and pop ups would be annoying.

Some people would like auto playing trailers but I find them a scourge on Netflix and some other sites. It's just too much information at once and makes the browsing process too cluttered, especially if there is sound with the trailer.
Post edited October 07, 2022 by Oisin
I have a small suggestion; reformat it so the wishlist on mobile shows which games are currently discounted and by what amount, rather than just showing the final price with no indicator that's on sale.
high rated
i_ni: May I suggest to have the main game trailer autoplayed if a set time (of ~ 5s) expires?
Breja: You may. To which I would respond that autoplaying videos are just about the most annoying thing any website can have, and it would turn this new feature from "possibly ok" to "well, I guess I hate browsing the store now".
Agreed. The autoplay animations that are being mixed in with the game description text these days are bad enough.

Hey GOG, can we have an option to disable these?
Nice feature. I'm just curious how many other little things were destroyed to implement this. I was unable to log in a few days ago. We will see.
Lone_Scout: Nice, but not as nice as GOG mixes, to mention something...
+1 You have my keyboard...
Breja: You may. To which I would respond that autoplaying videos are just about the most annoying thing any website can have, and it would turn this new feature from "possibly ok" to "well, I guess I hate browsing the store now".
+1... and my mouse.

Swords, bows and axes are out of stock.
high rated
Nice, maybe, I guess?! But not something I personally need.

cielaqu: Nice, but I would still prefer option to display all DLCs for all owned games with standard hide owned games.
But this is something ten times more useful, for me at least.

Also, please, no autoplay. That should be legally forbidden.
ScarletEmerald: Hey GOG, can we have an option to disable these?
I agree. Firefox at least makes it possible to not autoplay video these days (search settings for autoplay) and some of them are video files. If you don't autoplay them you can still play those later by right clicking and selecting play, although there doesn't seem to be a way to get Firefox to disable looping by default unfortunately. Due to the way trailer videos are embedded, disabling autoplay means you need to click play twice (second time after YouTube controls are loaded, which on the plus side makes it possible to fullscreen before playing).

The others are animated images, which can be limited via the image.animation_mode setting in about:config, which can be set to "once", "never", or the default "normal" (keep looping). However, there is no right click play with those so if you select once and miss it or want it to play again the easiest way is to right click and "open image in new tab".

GOG, I just noticed that most links on the "store" dropdown have /en/en/ in the link and therefore show only a 404 page. That kind of thing leaves a very bad impression, particularly on potential new customers.