Derpitozzal: "Some" people either genuinely think quoting "muh eula" is the end all be all of legal/moral argument,
EverNightX: Clearly you've never been taken to court. Yeah its what matters.
Nobody is denying that the EULA legally matters. Part of what this entire campaign is about is that EULAs being so overbroad and oppressive that it denies consumers rights in spirit if not in name.
The EULA **IS** overbroad and the users **HAVE** agreed to it.
But, the EULA **SHOULD** not deny consumer rights, even if the users **HAVE** agreed to it. It's the Is-Ought problem all over again. You just simply refuse to entertain the notion that EULAs **can and/or should** be overturned **by a court/legal body**.
You see other people fell, tripped, got dragged, tap danced, walked, or ran into in a EULA pit. Some of them didn't know there was a pit, some of them were blind, some knew there was a pit but thought they could skip over it, and a few willingly walked into the pit for whatever reason.
The only thing you're doing is impotently squealing at others and yourself that
1. The Pit is the only thing that matters
2. it's useless for anyone to try to escape the pit
3. Every single one of the idiots who fell, tripped, got dragged, tap danced, walked, or ran into the pit, regardless of whether or not they knew about the Pit, deserves to stay in the Pit for the rest of the duration of the universe for the grave sin of wanting to play a damn video game
4. Everybody trying to pull each other up out of the pit are babies throwing tantrums and refusing to accept the consequences of their grave sins
Ironic for a person who extols "adult responsibility" you throw a fit when adults decide to do something about unjust conditions, instead of wallowing in apathy and manic narcissism like you.
Your insistence on owners having the ultimate right over licenses beyond reason is genuinely borderline manic. I genuinely can't think of a single reason why anybody would argue this rabidly **against** their consumer/class interests