idbeholdME: People bought into these games, knowing full well their lifespan was limited. When "the end" finally arrives, you don't get to go back on a deal, the conditions of which you agreed to 10 or more years ago because you suddenly realize "Hey, this actually affects me. Thought it'd never happen. MUH RIGHTS!!!". That's just not how it works.
Companies are exploiting gullible people who support or don't care about this practice until they are actually affected. Nothing illegal about that. This is not for the EU and some bombastic new law to change. The customer is fully to blame in this case, not the other party. Until the customer mentality changes and people stop supporting said practice, we will remain in the state the industry is in right now.
The best that can be done is try and educate those around you about it. Only for them to wave you away, call you paranoid and proceed to buy the thing anyway.
Humans rarely think long term. Some humans even only know "here and yet", not the past nor the future... just what currently is experienced or working "out of the current box". Good or bad? Well, the thing is... we are not "usual animals",. we got a lot of brain for a reason, because it is the only thing making us survive, apart from a big heart. However, this potential goes "both ways", in a beneficial or a destructive way. It is probably better only to care for the "here and yet" as long as we can not handle a wider time-scale and its knowledge. Still, the biggest potential is the ability to be able to handle a high time frame with a lot of predictions which can be used for beneficial actions and quality of life improvements.
Currently, i think, most of the gamers rather chose "here and yet", yet there are increasingly some outbursts of "disturbing awareness" which leads to some occasional unrest, although with insufficient long term impact.