Nicole28: To cap it off, Dr Ryan T. Anderson
(a conservative white christian guy) wrote a book about Transgenders, and amazingly, it shot up to the bestseller list of it's category. Reviews were equally split between right and left-ist people. The second eye-brow raising thing was the chapter entitled "hands across the aisles". In which he talked about how feminists
(largely more radical-leaning, as most liberal ones are very pro-Trans), approached him and his group during one of his conferences for contribution and help, specifically for this issue. If you thought you have never seen such pole ends of the scale bumping together, today is the day. This highlights the huge volatility of this particular side of politics.
The fact that certain "feminists" whose "feminism" excludes trans people (who I'll call TERFs, since this is basically the definition of the term) agree with Christian conservatives on the issue is something I find rather disturbing.
dtgreene: Gender is not that simple; science has shown that, in fact, transgender people are indeed the gender they say they are, even if their DNA might not match.
Emob78: By that logic I can climb to the top of a building, spread my wings, yell out, 'I'm a bird!' and jump. What do you think would happen? Gravity. She is a cruel mistress.
Can you fly, Bobby?
Science has not shown that people who claim to be birds are capable of flight (without tools).
Science *has* shown that transgender people are the gender they say they are; every reputable medical orginazation agrees with this statement.