kohlrak: So what does one call a male-to-female trans butch lesbian? Ally.
dtgreene: There's nothing preventing an AMAB person from having a female gender identity and a male gender expression.
So, can we agree then that i should have the right to walk into the women's restroom? Essentially, if i were to be such, the only right i don't have is to change in the girls' locker rooms and use the female bathrooms.
(Also, don't forget that non-binary people exist; not everyone is male or female.)
If gender is about disphoria towards one's biology, then what alternatives are there? How is this any different from me calling myself a kitty and meowing and claiming oppression if anyone laughs at me?
dtgreene: And SWERFs (sex-worker exclusionary feminists) are just as bad, and the association is just as troubling.
There's nothing preventing an AMAB person from having a female gender identity and a male gender expression.
(Also, don't forget that non-binary people exist; not everyone is male or female.)
Emob78: Define 'troubling'.
Presumably, femminists that advocate that women should not have the same opportunities for employment as men. Either stay-at-home-mother or prostitute, i assume. I can honestly say that this is in violation of the principle of equal opportunity (as opposed to equal outcome, even though that's what "equal opportunity" has become).