I normally don't bother with politics on GOG, anymore, 'cause it seems everyone delves into identitarianism at some point, so i'll just talk on the trans thing quick, since that's everyone's favorite topic. Basically, transgender is all about being able to choose your role in society, rather than society choosing it for you based on genetics. Transgenderism spawned from a movement of people trying to "explain homosexuality." Because some people automatically conflate homosexuality and transgenderism, there's a natural ideological battle between transgendered people and bisexuals (since bisexuality suggests one can be gay without "having the wrong brain"). A Youtube comments, of all people, put it best: "Transgenderism is, more or less, largely a realization that the sexes are unequal, hence why there seems to be more male-to-female transitions." Ultimately, since "gender" means "sex," even though there have been movements to change the definition yet again (originally gender meant "family," so there's an obvious biological tinge to the word), which then can infer that this is largely all about perception control, kind of like how you're not allowed to have certain opinions of other cultures and such. People naturally wish to control how others see them, so this movement is no surprise, but, at the end of the day, is it moral, ethical, and even tenable? Naturally, one side will say it's inalienable, while the other side will say it's untenable. Ultimately, we're not debating the fundemental issue ("who's in charge of how you're seen, you or others?") just like we didn't talk about the fundemental issue of gay marriage ("if the church is not to have a say in politics, why does politics have a say in church?": Gay people were just the flavor of the day on the issue, but now it's moved into public funding of abortion).
Also, there are pedophile rights activists out there, but there's no evidence to suggest that slippery slope fallacy is at play for that, especially when alot of the right are the ones fighting for loli rights, as evidenced by the gab outlash (and yes, loli porn is illegal in the US, Canada, Australia, and a large portion of europe, contrary to popular opinion).
OldOldGamer: But why they keep doing these neo-culture references?
The world is becoming confused on a lot of aspect; things that wear clear in past, now are cloudy and confused to 1/4 of the world population.
Especially the western people have their mouth full of "civil rights", but they don't even know what that means.
There are so many ways of being funny and provocative; but GOG often dig a hole itself.
Gersen: If you look at Gog Twitter it's something they constantly do and they are not the only one, I would say that for most corporate twitter it's either "cold" information or "trying to sound
cool", as in "look fellow kids, we are not some faceless corporation we are one of you, look we even use cool meme and Imgur gifs".
Some corporations are good at it, though. Wendy's is a great example.