Maverick89: There´s nothing transphobic in the tweet.
I'm afraid that I will have to agree. Especially so, when taken at absolute face value. Nothing was said about Trans people. There wasn't anything even in the reverse. If GOG had tweeted something like "Games will not be erased
(insert anti-trans public figure here)", that would have been deliberate, and also, even more senseless than the current outrage
(What reason would GOG have to do something like that?). As many have pointed out "Won't be erased" are very generic words when taken at a rather literal face value reading in English. They could mean anything from Objects to Food to People, and are not targeted at anyone or anything in particular.
Now perhaps, it's just me, but I'm bothered by the current assumption that generic words/tags can be "copyrighted" by any one single demographic. Who is the one who insisted that just because a bunch of generic words are used by a vocal cause, they can no longer be used by anyone else for their own purposes and intentions? Who made that fact? Even corporations aren't legally allowed to copyright generic words from the dictionary, or A-Z will be long gone and you will be paying royalties for each letter you type on the internet.
On GOG's side, I gather that GOG are using sniping tactics, grabbing what they view as hot hashtags and trendy keywords/phrases, in a bid to enhance their SEO
(Search Engine Optimization), visibility and promotion. But something went wrong. They are not doing it right. As a corporation and business, they have to do more due diligence.
Still, a mature response would have been to let GOG know that your demographic is currently using the hashtag for a cause, and ask if GOG would be willing to reconsider using the tag in light of this. Instead of screaming "Transphobia!"
(You do not have the copyright over the hashtag), and acting like the sky is falling.
Starmaker: GOG pissed off a bunch of abusive misogynists?
This is an interesting side of things. I feel that the "Trans Pressure" has drained a lot of support out of the Left. If the Trans demographic had approached things on a respectful plane, with awareness to the various cause and effects, and are ideologically content with their own lanes, it wouldn't have been a problem. No one who isn't "anti" for the sake of would have been on the other side of the fence. However, this isn't happening. Abrasiveness, purposeful senselessness and attacks are what's pouring right out of them.
First, we can no longer have genders. Except gender isn't a matter of what "I feel today", but an actual biological structure. It is an intricate mix of our foundations, DNA , mass, formations and traits. It's not going to change no matter what we "feel and think" or any pseudo science that one could come up with. It's like, you could choose to "imagine" that you won't die by swallowing Cyanide, but your body is going to react otherwise.
Debunking fruitful science research that yields medical advancements based on hard facts that brought benefits to our bodies and lives, will cause regression and harm upon everyone. Now, if it's for the self, I still think it's acceptable. If you truly "imagine" you won't die by swallowing cyanide, I guess it's up to you, if it's a choice that you are simply making for yourself and your living. But it's a different matter forcing everyone to believe this, encouraging everyone to drink it and getting science to change it from "poison" to "harmless".
Second, the pushing of puberty blockers onto kids. This is a serious deal, as the alterations are permanent. There is no regrets or going back. And who has the right to make such a life-affecting decision for children, when there is no medical need at stake? It's child abuse at it's finest. When the kid turns 18/21, then let them decide for themselves as a legal adult.
Third, the forceful intrusion into women's and children's spaces for the sake of sexual fetishism and obsessive want. I remembered reading an article where a group of 12 year old girls (it's a space for children), were horrified when a Trans (guy in women's clothing) stripped and exposed all his genitals in front of everyone. Then, when the security guard asked him to leave, he was going on about Trans rights and stuff. It's like, how could you be so unaware of what you are doing?
On top of that, there is an increase in sexual assault cases due to the erasure of women's and children's spaces. Lots of negativity also manifests itself in dialogue.
You see, both men and women, in terms of medical aliments, do have gender specific conditions. For men, there is the risk of prostate cancer. For women, there are battles within the uterus system ranging from fibroids/endometriosis, ovarian/cervical cancer, and there is pregnancy and the usual monthy cycles. Naturally, these are conversations that people want to have. So the Trans were going, "It's transphobic or disgusting if you were to talk about these in front of my face, because I don't have that!".
(Well, duh, men don't have women's parts.) How childish is that? It seems that genders are nothing but fetishism and obsessions to the group. They know very well they are not the opposite gender, and will revert anytime back to their original gender if it gives them an advantage to get the things they want to get in the name of "Trans".
Now there are some people who attempt to draw parallels to the lesbian and gay demographic. Except there is a difference. L/G folks aren't trying to claim that being straight/heterosexuality doesn't exist, or must be edited where everyone have to compulsorily date gay people or else you are ***phobic. No such thing. In fact, the very ardent believe in the strict separation of orientation between gay and straight people. Also, they take the trouble to form their own separate communities and date amongst each other. On the usual road, most have little desire in wanting more than what the straight general public conforms to
(save for some extreme types).
I often think it odd as to why Trans people are often insistent on dating "cis-scum" people? Especially MTF Trans. So they don't think of themselves as the gender they actually are?
To cap it off, Dr Ryan T. Anderson
(a conservative white christian guy) wrote a book about Transgenders, and amazingly, it shot up to the bestseller list of it's category. Reviews were equally split between right and left-ist people. The second eye-brow raising thing was the chapter entitled "hands across the aisles". In which he talked about how feminists
(largely more radical-leaning, as most liberal ones are very pro-Trans), approached him and his group during one of his conferences for contribution and help, specifically for this issue. If you thought you have never seen such pole ends of the scale bumping together, today is the day. This highlights the huge volatility of this particular side of politics.