GOGer: i guess no ubisoft games past 2011 will ever come to gog. perhaps they truly are too entangled in the uplay garbage. however, if pirate copies do work (and i don't know) that means they could -especially officially- be made to work drm free and could --in theory-- come to gog.
frankly, what's the newest and biggest major game on gog right now? i'd say dying light. (obviously witcher 3 & shadow warrior 2 don't count, and some ea games like crysis are good examples but much older than dying light)
these are the final years of the dying pc gaming scene. from now on, it's only deeper and deeper into the cloud. eventually games will not come to gog simply because they will be too cloud reliant (even for single player games) and not even because of policy.
Oh, grow up.
Speaking of growing up, I could literally lose several fingers and still count the games from 2011+ that I'd want from Ubisoft on here.
Hint: "
ABBA: You can Dance" isn't one of them.
Oh, I think the biggest game on GOG right now is probably some indie game from Poland, I hear.
I've heard the former since I first was aware of that nugget, and the latter is just some new tinfoil hattery. "The Power of the Cloud" turned out to be largely bullshit, and won't happen majorly due to major discrepancies in data transmission speed. Now,
consoles have been dying pretty steadily as they've got practically no use in the modern era.
Edit: Also, Hatred sucked. If I want to experience that, I'll just go listen to Crawling in My skin or something like that.