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Jinxtah: Here's another giveaway since I have no interest in this game.

Open for 1 day.
Marci87: that's really nice of you to give away a game that anybody can get for free -.-'
I for one don't use Facebook, so if I were interested in the game this would have been a fine opportunity. As Momo1991 said a few posts back - the higher price isn't the goal here ;)
They are giving away 1 million keys for spacechem,... I have to agree that it is tacky and steamgifts may not be real happy with all of the people giving it away today.
Jinxtah: Here's another giveaway since I have no interest in this game.

Open for 1 day.
Marci87: that's really nice of you to give away a game that anybody can get for free -.-'
Please be kind to our newest member - he just posted two GA's and for those that loathe Facebook, this is an excellent way to get the game provided SG doesn't ban gifts of this game.
Marci87: that's really nice of you to give away a game that anybody can get for free -.-'
Momo1991: Please be kind to our newest member - he just posted two GA's and for those that loathe Facebook, this is an excellent way to get the game provided SG doesn't ban gifts of this game.
it has been removed.
Momo1991: Please be kind to our newest member - he just posted two GA's and for those that loathe Facebook, this is an excellent way to get the game provided SG doesn't ban gifts of this game.
lugum: it has been removed.
Ah well, it can still be given away here on the forums, like I did when Pid was free. A GA for those who don't use Facebook! There are a lot of us! (I did end up making a "dummy" account, just for these FB giveaways, but I TOTALLY understand why someone would not want to do that!)
Jinxtah: Here's another giveaway since I have no interest in this game.

Open for 1 day.
Marci87: that's really nice of you to give away a game that anybody can get for free -.-'
I know people who don't use facebook, and I know I've personally avoided getting these freebies due to the app that needs acceptance (the app "Coupons" needs access to your profile and friends list etc), so I figured I'd get it and list it for someone.
I don't see what the big problem is, really. It's not like I made a big spectacle out of it, or tried to hide the fact that it was a freebie (how would I even go about that). It didn't even cross my mind that I'd have to sit here and defend the giveaway afterwards.
I even listed it for just a day, and wouldn't get any sort of points from it on steamgifts as it was considered a bundle copy prior to the posting.
iphgix: I have to agree that it is tacky and steamgifts may not be real happy with all of the people giving it away today.
I don't know why it offends you, but you should reconsider your attitude.
As for steamgifts not being happy, I couldn't care less. Their point system is archaic, and the mere fact that they are unhappy with giveaways regardless of how people came upon it (except by committing a crime) is mind boggling.
Don't even get me started about the points cap for bundle games vs. value. Anyway not the place for this discussion, but I'll just say again, reconsider your attitude, and don't be so quick to call what other people are doing "tacky".

It has been deleted now though, so if there's anyone who wants the game, just pm me and I'll give you the key.
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Jinxtah
Warning_original: There are some contracts for one of you
Thank you for the great title, friend!
Lol I didn't even know this game was free (or existed) but then again I missed all the freebies on gog as well.
What I don't understand is that only your GA was closed but look at the steamgifts front page. At least 20 people are giving this game away and none of them are closed.

So did one of you guys reported this GA (I wonder)? <_< Don't do it please because members will get banned from steamgifts for stupid reasons.
Zurvan7: Lol I didn't even know this game was free (or existed) but then again I missed all the freebies on gog as well.
What I don't understand is that only your GA was closed but look at the steamgifts front page. At least 20 people are giving this game away and none of them are closed.

So did one of you guys reported this GA (I wonder)? <_< Don't do it please because members will get banned from steamgifts for stupid reasons.
I hope nobody is that petty. If someone here really reported it, and that caused a moderator to close the giveaway, then I'll withdraw my membership from this group.
You're right about there still being a lot of copies still being given away on the site. . I looked at their FAQ, and can't seem to find any rules about the prevention of giving away the game, but I checked up on it on their steam chat thing, and some other users seemed to think it was considered exploited since it was given away for free on a website.
I'd contact their support and inquire, but my last support ticket from 4 months ago is still active with no responses at all, so that seems a waste.

I don't think I would get banned for posting a giveaway though. Especially since it's not in their rules, but you never know I guess.
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Jinxtah
Zurvan7: . At least 20 people are giving this game away and none of them are closed.
They are put up faster than mods are closing them that's the thing I guess.

And look into the rules of the promotion. The keys can only be used by the winner of the key. Fortunately the keys are time bounded (till 2nd of July) so the flood will end in a week.
My concern was that steam gifts has in the past banned users for abusing free keys, and if you were banned from SG, you will be banned from thie GOG group, and I did not want that to happen to you over something as silly as hosting a GA for a free game key. You can do a GA on GOG, or post in the miss the giveaway, we got you covered thread, but posting GA on Steamgifts for a free steam key is, sorry to say it, tacky. That is merely my opinion, and feel free to ignore it.

I get all of the people who do not use facebook or who are under a rock and do not know they can get it free being helped by your giving the key away. I get you getting a key that you will not use to pass it on, but getting CV for it on steamgifts, REGARDLESS of your opinion of their CV methodology is what I find tacky. They have in place a method of calculating value of giveaways, and giving away keys that were obtained for free is taking advantage of, or abusing that system. Again whether or not that system is the best method, or not, it is the system that they are providing. Gameminer has hundreds of copies of Spacechem clutering their pages at the moment as well.

TL:DR Have a nice day, nothing to see here.
My giveaway has ended and the winner is...
Acard congrats!
Please add me on steam and i'll give you your new game!
My Castle Crashers GA has also ended. Congrats to AFnord, to everyone else - better luck next time :)
Maddog1: One more for all of you! :)
Many Thanks for this little game ;-)
And mucho thanks again for this lovely holiday trip and exact opposite of a little game :)