DarkoD13: That happens a lot, really. It happened in my giveaway a few days ago and I ended up re-rolling six times. It's unfortunate, but people make mistakes, maybe they misread or something. I'm not sure a rule about that would help, unless it's for repeated offenses.
Another thing that kind of annoys me (completely unrelated) is the lack of comments. I don't normally care about it in public giveaways, but in private/small group giveaways, posting something when entering is a nice thing to do.
:( i cant believe it happened twice and on both occasions gifters had written clearly , most people are opposed against what to do when gog members do such a mistake , will wait out and see if more of such things happen
As a first warning members have been kicked from the group but will be taken in if they explain why they did this like grynn has done.
some profiles were private not sure if they entered despite having the base game
Members kicked
http://www.steamgifts.com/user/hit321 warned added back
http://www.steamgifts.com/user/Niilo warned added back
will be added back after they explain why they did it
Final warning for grynn , entered 2 giveaways with rules specified with them , 1 more before kick
Warning to other members please read the description before entering giveaways for goty, expansions ,dlcs , the amount of stress that the gifter has to undergo to reroll is sad to see don't repeat this
perma ban for wrynail since sg banned him as well