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gunsynd: And what is the percentage,Steam games on Gog compared to Steam games on Steam??

Edit: Steam games that will never come to Gog.....
yyahoo: Except that this question doesn't have anything to do with the Steam games that aren't on GOG. It has to do with the games on GOG that are also on Steam, of which there are a lot, including a high percentage of the games that have been released on GOG in the past couple years.
timppu: I think what he meant to ask is: WTF?!?

New AAA titles from Steam don't make it to GOG, but indie titles and old Star Wars games do.
yyahoo: Bingo
For fuck's sake...How many threads have been in this place have gone slightly of topic???????
Grow up!!!!!
yyahoo: Except that this question doesn't have anything to do with the Steam games that aren't on GOG. It has to do with the games on GOG that are also on Steam, of which there are a lot, including a high percentage of the games that have been released on GOG in the past couple years.

gunsynd: For fuck's sake...How many threads have been in this place have gone slightly of topic???????
Grow up!!!!!
Smannesman: I don't feel like GOG is competition to Steam.
I use them for very different things, so for me it's more like GOG complements Steam.
I don't know but it feels like competition if they sell the same product and you choose one over the other because of a difference in service like price difference, delivery system, added benefits.
Smannesman: I don't feel like GOG is competition to Steam.
I use them for very different things, so for me it's more like GOG complements Steam.
Nirth: I don't know but it feels like competition if they sell the same product and you choose one over the other because of a difference in service like price difference, delivery system, added benefits.
For some folks I'm sure it is. Then again for some folks everything is a competition. I think GOG fills a void for people like me that Steam can't and probably has no interest in.
Well, if you really want to support GOG over Steam, the best you can do is wait. I have passed up many Steam sales so I can get that game I've long been waiting for in my GOG library.

One such game was Age of Wonders 3, it shown up on sale many times on Steam and I passed all the time. Eventually it went on discount here and instantly bought it.

King's Bounty: Warriors of the North was discounted like 5 times on Steam, didn't buy it. In the end I instabought it the first day it came to GOG.

Patience pays off :-)
Better than having sales at the same time gog should just sell steam keys.
Wonderful thread, bravo! I agree! Devs and copyright holders are our enemies, or at least, the enemies of game sales taking place here. Most, if not all of them, dread and abhor the DRM-FREE feature. This little wonder, which in and by itself is the BEST benefit a pc game customer can ever hope to get, is reason enough to repel EVERYONE.

Then, there is the regional pricing system. Market, like society, actually HATES equality and balance, at least that of economy and numbers. Who would find it to their best interests to let their stuff be sold with GoG's "fair pricing system" on?!?

Devs and copyright holders are NOT last year! They always are informed in latest hearsays, rumors, trends, fashion, urban legends and fairy tales! Like those "bards sing" about "steam being the biggest, best, most successful and most profitable company and/or possible parnter".

I always wait patiently. And i am lucky to have bought in retail, certain good old games, GoG has still not brought. Patience is an almost DIVINE virtue, always rewarded and never looked down upon. Worry not. Steam service is so bad, that most games being exclusives there, even if they never make it here, are simply not worthy of buying. God help you if you buy something there. Should you need their "support" function, god CANNOT help you. Better ask a Malkavian for help.

Oh, and if you have to buy something really bad, please do wait for GOTYs (game of the year editions), or full, complete editions/packages! Games sold there are pimped and scammed; with the preorder, day 1 exclusives, random bonuses, swarms of DLCs, season passes, all of them sold separately and rather expensively, you likely have to be Midas in order to buy them all. Patience and Patience are your best friends. Always wait for FULL COMPILATIONS and even better, WAIT SOME MORE, so as to get it when on (SERIOUS) discount. After all, it won't be DRM-FREE, will require the intrusive steam client, e-bonuses might be charged extra if nonexistent (most game soundtracks in steam are extra priced for instance) and there, game updates are obligatory. Woe to you if a new update CUTS OFF game content, such as soundtrack parts from the late San Andreas and Vice City. Or makes the game more unstable and buggy. Or if it removes your favorite version's exploits/glitches.

Big companies. Especially those who have their own distribution/gaming client... Ubisoft, Valve, Activision/Blizzard, EA... Don't expect to see all of their games, if ANY at all, here, in GoG's trully...
Cyraxpt: Better than having sales at the same time gog should just sell steam keys.
And only Steam keys. Not these pesky DRM-Free downloads.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Like those "bards sing" about "steam being the biggest, best, most successful and most profitable company and/or possible parnter".
Well... Not sure about best, but Steam is the biggest, most successful and most profitable company and/or possible partner, it's pretty difficult to argue with facts.

KiNgBrAdLeY7: Devs ... are our enemies
Oh sure, games are going to develop themselves :-P First of all, most devs that I know of do at least like the idea of DRM-free, they're just tied with whatever management says. Second, while some idealists are around, most devs are pragmatics above all else. Releasing and supporting a game on multiple platforms costs time and money, something that can get very straining for small dev teams.
Grargar: And only Steam keys. Not these pesky DRM-Free downloads.
Indeed, just like that great Star Wars bundle on sale right now. ;)
Cyraxpt: Better than having sales at the same time gog should just sell steam keys.
Grargar: And only Steam keys. Not these pesky DRM-Free downloads.
Yeah and stop with those indie games, jesus christ, stop putting that garbage here, only hipsters buys that!!!
Nirth: I don't know but it feels like competition if they sell the same product and you choose one over the other because of a difference in service like price difference, delivery system, added benefits.
But they generally don't sell the same product. The GOG version should be worth more, it has less restrictions.
Nirth: I don't know but it feels like competition if they sell the same product and you choose one over the other because of a difference in service like price difference, delivery system, added benefits.
hummer010: But they generally don't sell the same product. The GOG version should be worth more, it has less restrictions.
then buy this saggy pair of Y-Fronts for a mere £34.99!
synfresh: GoG cannot run sales of the same titles at the same time because it is not up to GoG when to run sales. It is up to the developer/publisher.
Glocon: Ok thanks, I didn't know that.
Steam can run sales any time they want. But I don't know if GOG has the same level of control. I don't think they do.
Cyraxpt: Better than having sales at the same time gog should just sell steam keys.
Even better, GOG has to shut down because nobody cares about DRM-free in the future and publishers make so little money here. And everyone cries like babies about it. This is my fantasy.