FrodoBaggins: Since this is a steam problem, have you asked about this on the steam forums?
Yes, I mentioned it on Steam and got confirmation from others that there is no way around it. Got some useful suggestions as were also provided here of converting to gems, selling, etc.
For those who have never used the Steam forums though, I can save you a lot of trouble by saying that they are generally pretty low quality. Generally few people respond to things at all, and it's not generally particularly helpful. When someone is looking for an answer for something, you sometimes get some useful feedback but more often than not just dozens more people have the same problem and join the discussion to add their own data to it. That's not a bad thing, but frequently no answers ever show up at all. After years of using Steam I've simply concluded that their forums are simply not of very high quality and that even when there are some exceptions, the general rule is that answers and community spirit are sorely lacking.
That's why people often talk about such things on GOG's forums. GOG's forums are not limited or restricted to talking only about things that directly relate to and GOG's games. On any given day here a large percentage of discussions have nothing to do with GOG itself, and often nothing to do with gaming either. However, GOG's forums are chock full of gamers that play games on a variety of gaming platforms including Steam, many of whom may experience the same issues and have knowledge about problems with the service that they can share.
It might also be worth noting that there is a group on Steam, I'm not sure if it is an official group or if some user created it themselves, but whether official or unofficial it is another example of cross-pollination of common interests across what ultimately amounts to a form of social networks.