nightcraw1er.488: Steam also provides some games drm free, and you can get these without using the client.
That's not entirely true. As I understand from the self help thread, Steam is still required to download the so-called Stream-free game. You may not require Steam to start them, but initially, you still had to use the Steam client to download - hence,
get - the game. You only ever get the latest version, and whatever new bugs and unwanted features that may entail. And additionally, the game had to be installed by the Steam client, and to archive the game into a usable backup, you still need the Steam client to do so. Quod erat demonstrandum.
In this side of the pond, I can download each game in my library as an archive already, and I can choose to maintain several versions of the game I purchased. Download, save. All from a web browser.
I don't know how much hard drives cost wherever you are, but here in the third world, they're pretty cheap. But seeing as I get myself a new notebook every year, this probably means nothing.
I imagine after your library in Steam gets forfeited a few times, you'll begin to see why the games are sold dirt cheap (when in truth, you really shouldn't have paid for each one at all, and should have paid 1 subscription fee to access all the games).
I may not agree with the direction GOG chooses sometimes - and I have been vocal about it - but to compare what I can do with GOG versus what I can do with the greed machine that is Steam? Well, that's something else entirely. Until GOG makes the games you buy a rental service, it is the clear winner.