AS882010M0: Business does not get to override the USA Constitution anymore than Congress.
HELLO ? Brains ? Go buy Some !
AS882010M0: We're talking about any business that deals with the public at large, not your house or individual basis, you know this very well strawman.
There is also the Civil Rights Act aka anti-discrimination law when it comes to organizations.
Otherwise, what's to stop me from putting up a business with a sign saying no joggers or dindu nuffins allowed ? Business is not greater than the individual and does not enjoy entitlements other than those prescribed by Law. Business is not Above The Law.
Quit trolling.At least I hope you are. Such stupid arguments can't be made seriously. You talk about straw men, while failing to understand what that is, and present a gigantic straw man of your own. I'll humor you.
1: This is GOG's house. It is not owned by the US government, nor is it able to restrict your free speech. This is a private forum on a private site. Freedom of speech specifically applies to the government's ability to chill speech. GOG nor Steam are the US government.
2. Discrimination only applies to specific protected classes. Outside those protected classes, you can deny service to anyone you choose for any reason. This means if I don't like red hats, I can deny service or entry to anyone wearing a red hat. If I don't like people who drive Chevy, I can make that a policy. If I don't like people who talk about certain topics, I'm not required to entertain them. Perhaps you should understand the US constitution and Anti-discrimination laws before citing them.