nightcraw1er.488: Ah, but it’s a no win situation there. There is a large user base who do not want o move from XP or 7, and therefore complain about the updates made to make things work on 10.
topolla: This is not the point exactly. Some of us have "retro-offline" PC because we want to play old games from box more comfortably. I've bought old games which system requirements matching that PC on GOG, to make sure that if something goes wrong I will have digital copy of my favorite game. GOG promised that the game will be accessible for me all the time.
They are changing installers and I can't play some games on that PC which is made for it and these games were playable on it when I bought them.
You could say that I could make a backup... This is my backup, that's why I have bought it here. That is what I paid for and GOG promised to keep it accessible. Many things can happen - fire, flood, electrical problems, device failure. I've chosen GOG for assecuration.
There is no problem with update to newer OSes but with deleting the working installer with older OSes. Try to think that MS will update win10 to the state not acceptable for you which cut you off from some PC activities you're used to. And you keep last release which working as you wish. GOG will continue to do what it does and you will lose the ability to download the game in a state that suits you without even warning.
Feel free to correct my english. Look, I am not arguing with your points here, and I fully support the view that all versions of the created installers and patches should be made available through the store to be downloaded when needed (as for instance I would like the installers pre forced galaxy components).
However a lot of your assumptions here are incorrect. First, GOG is not an archive service, it is a storefront. It is there to sell a product to you, what you do with that product is entirely up to you (drm free is the point), they do not control that. They do not however say anywhere, that they will make the product available to you for the rest of time, on your terms. It is your responsibility to store and protect your product, you can buy HDDs for next to no cost, you can rent online storage, you can keep a NAS setup at a friends house, you can burn to cd and put in a safe deposit box, there many options to protect what is yours. Relying on any internet company is fraught with risk, gog could fold today and you have then lost everything (it’s not legally required to keep its servers open, nor is steam or epic if they closed).
Next up, things move on. It’s a simple fact of of life, and whilst your quite welcome to continue running XP or any other operating system, you should not expect a business, who need to focus on the mass market, to continue to pamper to you who have made a decision not to move with the crowd. They already provide 3 base OS options. To note I am also hit by this, as I do not use clients, however the main userbase does, so it it’s obviously GOGs interest to push galaxy against the wishes of a smaller percentage of the user base.
So to conclude, I fully agree that all released installers and patches should be made available, I believe there was a wish list entry for it (though that is another thing wished for years back which never got fulfilled, actually being able to see what you wished for, so don’t hold your breath if it’s not galaxy related!).
Oh, and your English is fine.