Yrtti: Do you have any source to back up the fact that the numbers will be used for spamming / advertising?
I don't have to, use common sense:
-by not giving my phone number or any other data, I'm making it 100% sure that i'm not gonna be spammed or my data won't be sold for advertising purposes. They don't my data (because i'm not giving it) so they can't do jack shit. The ball is in my court, I have total control.
-by giving my data I lose total control, the ball is suddenly in their court and they have total control over my data, they decide if they spam me or not or if they sell it for advertising purposes.
Why the hell should I trust some bullshit corporation?
So evidently, not giving your data is the better and only reasonable choice.
Some corporation makes it mandatory to give them your phone number? Renounce their services and look for alternatives, in 99.9% cases there are good privacy alternatives out there.