DoomSooth: They didn't get released for PC because consoles were cheaper and they knew nobody would buy console versions if they could have a PC version that's better.
Uh, why would a developer care if they made the sale for console or PC as long as they made the sale? This makes no sense.
DoomSooth: Consoles made it easier for people to afford games.
Nope. Easier to afford hardware maybe, not games.
DoomSooth: How many console games were available on Steam when it went up?
The day it went up? Probably none. Cuz it just went up. What are you 3? It's once it was proven successful that devs flocked to it.
DoomSooth: Some of the things there aren't even games.
Look its fine if you have some weird hatred of Steam. I don't care. I was just explaining to you why people use play games they can't get for PC otherwise. Duh....