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It's already annoying enough that most sites i use keep nagging for my phone number and i won't use this feature for Steam.

If you want my phone number you have to pry it from cold, dead hands! :P
My gmail is phone protected, my steam is gmail protected. I don't want to spread around my number needlessly. However GOG could learn a thing or two. At least some sort of via email two factor authentication would be nice...
Well, this time round, i think steam did something good. Mobile layer security is good. Blizzard has this option in Battlenet, also. And sites like Facebook, too.

Works well but has a really nasty flaw. If you loose your number, it needs a lot of fuss to untie it from account and bring a new number in. I got through hell to secure my battlenet account, i also sent photo of ID and was sunk in an abyss of tickets...

Hope in steam it is easier to manipulate.
Does this mean it will be required for new users like with Google and every other major site ever?
Considering that people still need to post on the forums to add friends i don't think there will something remotely like this anytime soon.

And considering how broken things have been lately, i could see some people locked out of their accounts due to some glitch...
amrit9037: Gog whats your move now?
It would be extremely foolish for GOG to try to be like Steam. The reason why, there are so many people buying GOGs and not Steam games is because GOG is very different from Steam.
But getting some security feature like steam wont make gog less cool.
amrit9037: Gog whats your move now?
monkeydelarge: It would be extremely foolish for GOG to try to be like Steam. The reason why, there are so many people buying GOGs and not Steam games is because GOG is very different from Steam.
Adding some simple (and industry standard) security measures to our accounts won't affect the reasons people might choose GOG over Steam. In fact, it would very likely encourage more people to try GOG's services by adding a level of trust that GOG is severely lacking at the moment.
timppu: I noticed this before, but the thing is, I don't want to spread my phone number around. What if all services, even stupid forums and hobbyist sites, start demanding my phone number as a security measure? Should I give it to all of them?
catpower1980: The simple solution as it is for wanted/unwanted emails : have 2 phones with different numbers, one private (friends/family), teh other one for public stuff (business, etc.). In Belgium, a prepaid card costs 15€ and lasts one year before you have to recharge.

As employee, it's even a better idea as you give only your public phone number to your boss so, while on holiday, you just shut this phone off and only keep your private phone (otherwise you can get calls to replace one sick colleague, etc.)
Yeah, and then on Monday morning the boss looks you really bad and asks "Why you're phone was off during the weekend there was an emergency in the office?!"
I have a liiiittle issue here since I keep my phone number unlisted so I don't get survey calls and the like. How many others are going to know my number if Steam has it? Just like with emails to me... I don't want people knowing my emails for the most part but 3rd party sites and the like are given that information sometimes and that's annoying as fuck. ...thankfully Gmail has a spam filter so makes things nice and easy to deal with.
catpower1980: The simple solution as it is for wanted/unwanted emails : have 2 phones with different numbers, one private (friends/family), teh other one for public stuff (business, etc.). In Belgium, a prepaid card costs 15€ and lasts one year before you have to recharge.

As employee, it's even a better idea as you give only your public phone number to your boss so, while on holiday, you just shut this phone off and only keep your private phone (otherwise you can get calls to replace one sick colleague, etc.)
leon30: Yeah, and then on Monday morning the boss looks you really bad and asks "Why you're phone was off during the weekend there was an emergency in the office?!"
If my employment contract is a classic Monday to Friday, I don't have to be reachable/available on the week-end. Period. For more responsabilities, you have to get paid more than the minimal wage or get some extra-vacations to compensate. It reminds me when I worked at the local water company 15 years ago where we had to take week "duty shifts" where we were available 24H/24H to repair broken water conducts in the middle of the night, the week after was completely vacational (sorry for the broken English if there are some vocabulary mistakes).
Oh great, this annoying rubbish. Yes email systems require this now, even hotmail if it ever chooses to work. Does it hel secure anything, no, does it mean something else to keep track of, yes. Already need to keep a database of passwords, passphrases, keys, pins and all that, and still it makes very little difference. Two step authentication is fine for me, but phone is going to far. I mean just after putting it in for hotmail I started getting son advertising I had never even heard of, coincidence my arse! Just another method of monetising user data, next it will be a dna database.
Security and privacy nightmare. Do not want.
Not comfortable giving my phone number to anyone or anything whom I don't want to call me.
I'm not using this "security option" anywhere, I find it very annoying.