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low rated
Breja: All the Star Wars games with multiple endings always had one that was canon.
Sort of. In KoTOR II they ask questions and let you decide what the canon was while keeping things vague.

They did create canon versions of the KoTOR I & II events for The Old Republic's continuity. Not a fan of that.
low rated
StingingVelvet: The butthurt she's mocking is the same butthurt that made you post this. You sound like a whiny baby.
It's the Human Spider of today's Internet. Butthurt people from both "camps" forever stuck together by their hurting butts.
low rated
StingingVelvet: As long as the original remains in existence the idea of that doesn't bother me at all, whether it ends up being bad or not.

We'll see what happens though, again the original still exists.
For now, anyways. Remember Shadow Man, where the rights holders didn't even allow it to be an extra with the new version?

Yeah, most such remakes/remasters give the old version as a bonus, but: A. that's not guaranteed, and B. One still has to pay a higher price(even during sales) to get access to said versions(via buying the new versions).

Also last but not least: this is Disney....i.e. the same chaps who retconned huge chunks of the extended universe(well, unless they could profit from it). I am guessing they might try to bury the old version if they can, for their own reasons.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
GamezRanker: For now, anyways. Remember Shadow Man, where the rights holders didn't even allow it to be an extra with the new version?

Yeah, most such remakes/remasters give the old version as a bonus, but: A. that's not guaranteed, and B. One still has to pay a higher price(even during sales) to get access to said versions(via buying the new versions).

Also last but not least: this is Disney....I am guessing they might try to bury the old version if they can, for their own reasons.
I remember when Doom 3 BFG Edition initially released on Steam Doom 3 classic was pulled.

Doom 3 BFG had censorship, modifications to levels & gameplay and mods didn't work with it. The unsurprising uproar over it got them to bring back the classic versions thankfully.
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: Doom 3 BFG had censorship, modifications to levels & gameplay and mods didn't work with it.
Yeah, because game companies gotta protect some people's(and organization's, in the case of the red cross) feefees....and who needs the ability to mod a PC game, anyways? /s

Also, let's not forget they also cut the additional arcade cabinets from the expansion pack(all that's left in that version is turbo turkey puncher).

GreasyDogMeat: The unsurprising uproar over it got them to bring back the classic versions thankfully.
Except, sadly, on GOG. :|
low rated
GamezRanker: Yeah, because game companies gotta protect some people's(and organization's, in the case of the red cross) feefees....and who needs the ability to mod a PC game, anyways? /s
What was so disappointing about it was that most of the censorship in the BFG Edition was for the German market. Except instead of creating two versions, an uncensored version for one market, and a German market for them, they just censored it for everyone. Height of laziness.

Other censorship involved the Red Cross... and you know what... I'll forgive them for that. Fighting that might lead to legal issues. What could they have done?

GamezRanker: Also, let's not forget they also cut the additional arcade cabinets from the expansion pack(all that's left in that version is turbo turkey puncher).
I don't even get that. My only guess is that they were afraid of being sued as the games were based on other old arcade titles. The Sarge bear hunt based on an old tank game I remember playing on macs for example.
low rated
Breja: It's the Human Spider of today's Internet. Butthurt people from both "camps" forever stuck together by their hurting butts.
We gave everyone prone to butthurt a bullhorn and then forgot to ignore them.
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: I don't even get that. My only guess is that they were afraid of being sued as the games were based on other old arcade titles. The Sarge bear hunt based on an old tank game I remember playing on macs for example.
Makes me wonder.....if they truly were "parody style" versions of other games and distinct enough, it shouldn't have caused many legal problems to leave them in the game.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by GamezRanker
Is Disney going to ruin KOTOR too? Southpark got the mouse right.
low rated
Lionel212008: Is Disney going to ruin KOTOR too? Southpark got the mouse right.
Come on, have a little faith! What could possibly go wrong when Sam "I got raped in GTA V Online!" Maggs is working on it?
low rated
StingingVelvet: The butthurt she's mocking is the same butthurt that made you post this. You sound like a whiny baby.
Not really butthurt, But I won't support a writer that makes fun of actual fans which she is not. You seem more triggered by the fact I made people aware of her rotten personality. You must be excited to get another franchise destroyed because the staff are SJW-type people. You must also be very happy with the fact they are altering other older franchises in games for the sake of a leftist political agenda.

Dead space is already going to woke with altering the game, They altered demon souls for the sake of diversity.
Even the old GTA games are getting altered cause it seems people like you need modern sensibilities. In other words safe spaces and censorship.
dgnfly: The game is going to be DOA for any actual Star Wars fans.
The new writer is a man-hating feminist.

Not meant for you directly, but I am sadly forced to reply against somebody to post links.
Orkhepaj: who hires these....
Worry a lot more. There are more woke versions of older games coming out.
GTA remasters, if true... will be updated for modern audiences. In other words, censored.

All we will be seeing these days from games publishers are woke version of great classics.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by dgnfly
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: Come on, have a little faith! What could possibly go wrong.....
Yer right, probably nothing will go wro....
dgnfly: Worry a lot more. There are more woke versions of older games coming out.
What in flaming hades needed to be 'updated for a modern audience' in Dead Space? FFS they talk about it like its a product of the 19th century. Does Isaac need to be turned into a black non-binary trans species lesbian to appeal to 'modern audiences'? Or maybe the gameplay needs to be updated with loot boxes.

Notice too that just like KoTOR instead of getting a continuation of an unfinished plot we're getting another remake.

I wanted to find out what happened next after the Earth was attacked by a zombie planet. Spoilers btw.

Dead Space 1 & 2 are some of my favorite Survival/Action Horror games ever made and its pretty disgusting seeing these retards mess it up.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by GreasyDogMeat
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: What in flaming hades needed to be 'updated for a modern audience' in Dead Space? FFS they talk about it like its a product of the 19th century. Does Isaac need to be turned into a black non-binary trans species lesbian to appeal to 'modern audiences'? Or maybe the gameplay needs to be updated with loot boxes.
Plus it's very "modern" in some ways already....what with the necromorphs being 'trans' and all.
(they can literally change DNA/etc to alter various qualities)

And yeah, i'd have liked to have seen a continuation to the end of DS3's DLC as well.....but sadly, there's likely fat chance of that now.
Post edited September 12, 2021 by GamezRanker
A friend made me aware of this announcement. I'm mildly interested to see what direction script-writers and developers will take it. Though I can't say to have much hope that it is going to be something I would be able to enjoy. Not only because it will be different which is to be expected, quests might be added and things changed, developers will realize their own vision and maybe push an agenda, PC, gender, a hundred pronouns and gender-fluid PC/NPC models, along the way which has become the norm rather than an exception. If they did it in a subtle way like Bioware used to this could work. Most likely this studio will do it in an in-your-face way which will put off fans of the original.

Because those remakes aren't made for longtime fans and community enjoying the original I can't see myself playing or enjoying it. Fond memories could be ruined and I don't want this to happen. I would rather enjoy a well adapted remaster with QOL improvements and maybe mod-support to be able to realize new quests and stories of my own in the universe. There is one in the making with UE5 which I hope will be finished and released without someone interfering which is highly likely ...
Post edited September 12, 2021 by Mori_Yuki