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low rated
nightcraw1er.488: Just seen this on Moddb:

Looks like another remake in the works.
Watch em make it "deep and serious"(what i call the "hot topic treatment" in some horror/etc movie remakes), and with content that might possibly offend cut out or toned down. And then all at a higher price tag, and with severely (and somewhat needlessly, imo) amped up system requirements.

Orkhepaj: exactly , remakes are slowly killing the gaming scene
I get what you of late companies seem to rely on doing more of them instead of new IPs(or even new entries in the same series) as they know many will buy for "nostalgia/retro". Then they lock the old ones behind a paywall(buying the new one), or in a "vault" somewhere...never to see the light of day again, in some cases.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by GamezRanker
morolf: Who needs a remake, the original is still perfectly playable.
AB2012: Same is true of about 80-90% of remakes / remasters these days. Occasionally they're needed (System Shock 1's clunky as hell controls).
Let me just add a note about that aspect.
Old graphic, clunky controls and weird UIs can all be the result of the originality and innovation at the time.
Fixing them to modernize the game can cause it to look like.. all the titles that followed it.
Good remakes are welcome, but.. I feel like you're losing something by not experiencing the original (I mean, at least for great classics).
I played SS1 with the original controls, and it's not like it was impossible, you just needed to get the hang of it.
Sometimes it's fun to learn different methods, even if they're not streamlined.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by phaolo
low rated
phaolo: I played SS1 with the original controls, and it's not like it was impossible, you just needed to get the hang of it.
Sometimes it's fun to learn different methods, even if they're not streamlined.
Well said.

Also: SSP more or less did most of what the current GOG version does....i.e. making the game easier to control and such.
(although, of course, it wasn't exactly legal unless one owned a copy of the game)
Good remasters are quite rare. Funnily enough, it is EA that actually seems to currently be putting the most effort into them. The C&C remaster was stellar and I have high hopes for the Dead Space remake they recently announced.

You can be sure that anything Disney Wars is gonna suck. Gonna be suffed full of PC and shit like that.
Orkhepaj: as usual...
like with diablo2 they removed all the boobs and dead girls
That, and also the ability to play LAN games and stuffed it full of DRM.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by idbeholdME
low rated
idbeholdME: Good remasters are quite rare. Funnily enough, it is EA that actually seems to currently be putting the most effort into them. The C&C remaster was stellar and I have high hopes for the Dead Space remaster they recently announced.

You can be sure that anything Disney Wars is gonna suck. Gonna be suffed full of PC and shit like that.
that remaster showed why remastering these old games shouldnt happen
gameplay is very outdated
Orkhepaj: that remaster showed why remastering these old games shouldnt happen
gameplay is very outdated
The gameplay is the same as it was back then. Changing it would require remaking the entire campaign from scratch, resulting in basically a different game. You obviously don't like C&C gameplay, but the fans loved the remaster.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by idbeholdME
low rated
idbeholdME: You can be sure that anything Disney Wars is gonna suck.
Not that I have high hopes for this, but that statement is blatantly not true. Just because the sequel movies suck doesn't mean everything Disney did with Star Wars sucks too. Rogue One was great, Solo is ok, Rebels was a pretty good show (would be great if it only consisted of the "essential" episodes and not the padding), Mandalorian is pretty good (got much better in season 2), some of the books and comics were quite good (some were crap too, but lets not pretend that was not the case before Disney). I'm still on the fence about the Bad Batch.

Anyway, by now Disney's Star Wars encompasses so many titles across all media, created by so many different people, that dissmising it all basically because Last Jedi shat the bed and people still can't get over that (as if the prequel movies didn't shit the bed already twenty years ago) is just silly.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by Breja
low rated
Orkhepaj: that remaster showed why remastering these old games shouldnt happen
gameplay is very outdated
idbeholdME: The gameplay is the same as it was back then. Changing it would require remaking the entire campaign from scratch, resulting in basically a different game. You obviously don't like C&C gameplay, but the fans loved the remaster.
nope they didnt , they just loved to get the same game as they were kids, they like the nostalgia of it ,not actually playing
idbeholdME: You can be sure that anything Disney Wars is gonna suck.
Breja: Not that I have high hopes for this, but that statement is blatantly not true. Just because the sequel movies suck doesn't mean everything Disney did with Star Wars sucks too. Rogue One was great, Solo is ok, Rebels was a pretty good show (would be great if it only consisted of the "essential" episodes and not the padding), Mandalorian is pretty good (got much better in season 2), some of the books and comics were quite good (some were crap too, but lets not pretend that was not the case before Disney). I'm still on the fence about the Bad Batch.

Anyway, by now Disney's Star Wars encompasses so many titles across all media, created by so many different people, that dissmising it all basically because Last Jedi shat the bed and people still can't get over that (as if the prequel movies didn't shit the bed already twenty years ago) is just silly.
Should have said majority instead of everything. But I'd been having such a hard time finding something Disney Wars that I enjoyed that I basically gave up and just follow the old canon while ignoring everything new.

But true, the new movies soured me very much.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by idbeholdME
Would this remaster also be afraid of women butts?
Post edited September 11, 2021 by YaTEdiGo
idbeholdME: The gameplay is the same as it was back then. Changing it would require remaking the entire campaign from scratch, resulting in basically a different game. You obviously don't like C&C gameplay, but the fans loved the remaster.
Orkhepaj: nope they didnt , they just loved to get the same game as they were kids, they like the nostalgia of it ,not actually playing
You got any source for that claim or are you pulling it out of your behind?

I am a fan and I still enjoy the gameplay and play through the campaigns of all C&C games every so often and am extremely grateful they kept it intact.

And all the additional effort they put into it. Bringing back Frank Klepacki for the music. Including archival outtakes from the FMV shoots and concepts in an entirely new gallery. Ability to switch seamlessly between old and new graphics and much more. Looking at this and saying it's the same as the other money grab remasters is simply false.
Post edited September 11, 2021 by idbeholdME
low rated
darthspudius: Turns out the person in charge of the thing or whatever is one of those censoring nut jobs.
Orkhepaj: as usual...
like with diablo2 they removed all the boobs and dead girls
Oh really?
low rated
An offline mode for TOR would be nice. Like the Hellgate that's available.

Ah well, maybe this remake will fix the fade to black issue.
low rated
Orkhepaj: nope they didnt , they just loved to get the same game as they were kids, they like the nostalgia of it ,not actually playing
idbeholdME: You got any source for that claim or are you pulling it out of your behind?

I am a fan and I still enjoy the gameplay and play through the campaigns of all C&C games every so often and am extremely grateful they kept it intact.

And all the additional effort they put into it. Bringing back Frank Klepacki for the music. Including archival outtakes from the FMV shoots and concepts in an entirely new gallery. Ability to switch seamlessly between old and new graphics and much more. Looking at this and saying it's the same as the other money grab remasters is simply false.
here: https://
all the effort doesnt matter if the gameplay is boring
it is a good remake of a bad game, just think about how many would play this game if it wouldnt be a cnc

Orkhepaj: as usual...
like with diablo2 they removed all the boobs and dead girls
YaTEdiGo: Oh really?
yep , most of them at least, even statues were censored :O
Post edited September 11, 2021 by Orkhepaj
low rated
Orkhepaj: gameplay is very outdated
And yet Mario runs and jumps on things in nearly every game and it doesn't get old... And playing megaman doesn't get old either. Run, jump and shoot...

The only real outdated bits tend to be the battlesystem in the earlier Final Fantasy games. The 'you get attacked by 3 goblins' and you're level 50, just auto win or auto-fight and get it over with and bring attention only to real fights... I suppose that's why i enjoyed FF12 so much, where you could have a hands-off approach when your gambits were set, or very on-hands during difficult battles or manually 'run away'.

Anyways, the those leading it seem to hate Starwars suggests you'll get the same service as to Disney Movies. As such i'd recommend boycotting them. If reviews come out and they are faithful to the original and improve things, then consider it. But not before.