xxxIndyxxx: wow people do like to hate on star wars for no reason. It looked good. The lightsaber is canon and yes it looks like it was made by a noob but that's probably intentional since there aren't really jedi or sith left to teach him or her...
Breja: I just don't get why do we have to get more and more "creative" (ridicilous rather) with the lightsabers. First Darth Mauls saber staff, then the insane rotating variation of it in Rebels and now this silly lokking thing, the spanish inquisition lightsaber, as my friend called it. Just have a lighsaber. It's cool enough as is. If you really have to do something with it have the hilt engraved with something cool looking. The more they try to make it more awesome, the goofier they get.
Consumerism over creativity. When people start talking about Yoda-Fu, lightsaber styles and the color of Stormtrooper armor, I just want to yell, 'you're all missing the goddamn point!' Have all the original SW fans all died off or gone senile or what? Growing up, SW was about mystery, adventure, and a simple battle of good and evil in outer space. Now it's all about CGI muppets and cramming as much useless imagery on screen as possible.
You know what made characters like Darth Vader and Boba Fett cool? They were badass looking space men with helmets and we didn't know squat about them. Then they took the helmets off and everything changed. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Kasdan, Abrams, someone behind these sequels will still recognize the magic that made SW what it was. This teaser doesn't bode well for that hope.
SW practically started the modern summer blockbuster, so I guess it's just a matter of time that it would become at least partially a victim of its own success. I just wish people would understand why a mystical force trumps midichlorians. It's not about the technical details... it's about what really matters. Because if you don't have interesting characters telling an interesting story, I could give less shits about the color or power of someone's lightsaber.