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It looks nice, but just like Breja, I feel there is something not quite right.
I know Star Wars gave birth to ILM and the magnificent CGI of today, but,
I feel that's the problem...
The Falcon chase with the T.I.E. fighters. The Falcon appears to fly too quickly, It should glide like, well, a falcon bird of prey.
That is probably a general niggle with me and CGI not showing weight and character. CGI seems to follow laws of physics (as possible as the fantastical can, that is). What happened to artistic license?
I loved the way the old physical models have character.
Please understand that I admire modern CGI and animators, but, to me, the graphics are too formulaic.
I, or course, will still go and see the film and sit in awe as I did 38 years ago.

(Feel free to rip this Grizzled old Gamer to shreds over this post)
At least the trailer (and movie) are fully politically correct, considering the two main protagonists.

I didn't feel the love with the trailer, but then I am not a big fan of Star Wars (or Star Trek, or Suiperman, or Spiderman, or whathaveyou) anyway, so maybe I am not part of the target audience.
Its a commercial to sell product. Nothing less, nothing more. Star Wars is never going back to what it was in the 70's and 80's. It was a product of its time. Honestly, its quite disgusting to watch people drool over this carefully designed marketing machine.
I'll be really really surprised if this movie turns up good ... it's higly probable it will be mediocre in the end
SSolomon: Its a commercial to sell product. Nothing less, nothing more.
Oh, of that there's no argument. I just don't think it's a very good commercial.

I'm looking back at the Star Trek trailer (not to compare franchises, but rather promotional material for two Abrams' big sci fi movies) and seriously, tell me that didn't feel bigger, more exciting, stronger? I'm not comparing movies, obviously, I'm just trying to work out why the trailers for it feel so lukewarm to me. The Star Trek one just feels bigger. Glimpses of bigger battles, planets crumbling, and yet it also feels stronger on the characters. It tells me a lot about Kirk, it promises to send it's characters on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. The Star Wars one seems more tame, with bland characters saying the most cliched trailer lines possible. "I'm nobody" "I've got nothing to fight for". This tells me nothing. "Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including yours. I dare you to do better". Now that sends chills down my spine. I tells me who the character is. Where he's coming from, what he faces, and why. It conveys some personal drama, something to give the images of action an emotional backbone. It makes me care, and not because I'm a Star Trek fan. The Star Wars trailer... if it wasn't for it being Star Wars, would anything in that trailer make us care? I don't think so.

I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it, but this is as close to a sensible explanation of how I feel as I got.
Post edited October 20, 2015 by Breja
timppu: At least the trailer (and movie) are fully politically correct, considering the two main protagonists.

I didn't feel the love with the trailer, but then I am not a big fan of Star Wars (or Star Trek, or Suiperman, or Spiderman, or whathaveyou) anyway, so maybe I am not part of the target audience.
You say that like it's a good thing...

Anyway, more meh. Looks great, but all modern movies look great. Too great. I want film scratches and wide shots and rubber puppets, dammit. I don't want 'looks great.' That hype doesn't work any more. I have abandoned my 30+ year old dream of seeing a proper SW continuation.

We should have learned our lesson with Caravan of Courage and the Holiday Special.
It's a good trailer for what may be a good film. The force thing, here, isn't without some "carrion comfort" vibe, and I'm curious about the metaphorical usage of it this time...
tort1234: Have a female protagonist that kicks ass, is smart, badass, strong yadda yadda yadda.....check
Have a minority stormtrooper character as a main character to appease minorities.....check
Have a white male as the bad guy, cant have anyone else or the outrage from PC brigade....check
Ye mean like Leïa, Lando, and Tarkin/Palpatine/Vader? Yeah, how dare they be as PC as the original movies! ;)

Me? I try not to get too hyped up, but there are things I like in what we can see of these new SW : A cast of losers (Let's remember ep4 featured a farmerboy, a has-been knight without a cause, and two petty criminals), the fact that the Empire didn't simply dissolve into some new republican utopia after the death of the Emperor at the hands of a bunch of ragtag rebels... It's clearly engineered to push my "nostalgia buttons", but still...

So no overhype (it ALWAYS leads to disappointment), but some hope for a cool movie, at least :)
johnnygoging: maybe I'm just too hard to please but I just can't really get excited for this.

and I hate that Revan rip-off with his nancy boy sabre.

bring on batman v superman.

thanks for the link barry +1.
High Five Man.

In Zack Snyder I trust to give us awesome action scenes.
Telika: It's a good trailer for what may be a good film. The force thing, here, isn't without some "carrion comfort" vibe, and I'm curious about the metaphorical usage of it this time...
I'm still upset that we don't see Luke in the Trailer.
Post edited October 20, 2015 by Elmofongo
Emob78: I have abandoned my 30+ year old dream of seeing a proper SW continuation.

We should have learned our lesson with Caravan of Courage and the Holiday Special.
The animated series are quite cool, though.
Emob78: I have abandoned my 30+ year old dream of seeing a proper SW continuation.

We should have learned our lesson with Caravan of Courage and the Holiday Special.
Kardwill: The animated series are quite cool, though.
Bantha piss.
Kardwill: The animated series are quite cool, though.
Emob78: Bantha piss.
The Clone Wars is a great show! Much better than Return of the Jedi.
Elmofongo: I'm still upset that we don't see Luke in the Trailer.
Don't we ? There is artificial-hand-man petting R2 in that short scene.

Also, he's dressed in white, so he might not be the secret identity of the masked baddie.

I kinda expect him to turn up in a big "oooh" moment near the end, which might be spoiled by the fact that all the potential spectators will know all the details of it 5 min after the premiere, and the fact that luke skywalker might not be that important to the public.

Trailer/hype/spoiler/teese management must be hell, for these films.
Kardwill: The animated series are quite cool, though.
Emob78: Bantha piss.
If that's the case, could you direct me to the nearest Bantha herder. I need to buy piss in bulk.

(Frankly, my personal opinion is that Clone Wars was the best thing that happened to Star Wars since the original movies. And the new "Rebels" series is a kid show and not very visually impressive, but it shows promise)
Post edited October 20, 2015 by Kardwill
Emob78: Bantha piss.
darthspudius: The Clone Wars is a great show! Much better than Return of the Jedi.
Luke -
"My father fought in the Clone Wars?"

End stop. All stop engines. Luke didn't need to say another word, nor did we ever need to have that blank filled in. At that point, every single SW fan on Earth had a better image in their head of what that meant than anything Lucas or ILM or Disney could ever hope to replicate. Never underestimate the power of imagination... nor the power of marketing that attempts to appropriate it.

The ultimate sin Lucas accosted us with was taking off Vader's helmet. No more helmet, no more mystery. No more mystery, no more myth. No more myth, no more point. There is no more mystery to Star Wars - only endless repetition. Clones, in fact and metaphor.