Glad to see I´m not the only one :P
tinyE: Well I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess with the Tie Fighters and all the Storm Troopers in the trailer that the Empire is not totally defeated.
Breja: Duh. I'm not quite that stupid :) But for the time being I'm assuming it's some remnant that resurfaces after a long abscence or being pushed back to the fringes of the galaxy, or some new group using old imagery for ideological reasons (noe-imperials if you will), or something else of that ilk. I just don't want the story to go "and after the EMporor's death and all that celebration nothing really changed and they kept fighting this war for the next 30 years".
I don´t think they´re a new group, probably those who really believed in the empire´s ideals, not the stormtroopers that just want to work somewhere and are brainwashed into imperialism :P
Even if the head has been chopped, they must deal with the loyal remnants.