Emob78: After 3 garbage prequels and and
a mountain of godawful novels, it's high time SW made a comeback. I just hope it isn't too late to bring it back from the dark side.
real.geizterfahr: This! I've read lots of Star Wars books before the prequels came out. I absolutely loved the X-Wing series, the Thrawn trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn books. But the prequels... I don't know what happened, but suddenly most books were completely awful... The Darth Bane trilogy was pretty decent and Allegiance and Choices of One aren't bad either. But that's it... The other books just sucked.
I don't care that much for Disney's films. Maybe they'll be good, maybe they'll suck. I can live with two or three more awful Star Wars films. I mean... Come on,
we've survived THIS! Disney can't do worse... But I really, really, REALLY hope that their films will provide a good basis for enjoyable books. Get rid of this clone wars anime crap. No more
Han Solo on a ship full of zombie troopers -.- Give us a story that allows for good books! That's all I want.
Hey. I loved that Ewok film as a kid.