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This will be a horrible movie and once again a disgrace to the Star Wars franchise. Like all other Disney garbage this will follow the formula of womenz amazing and men too stupid to accomplish anything.. I can already predict that when this movie flops hard (and it will mark my words) it will be because of the toxic fans, sexists, women haters you know the usual drivel coming from these studios with an agenda.
UnrealDelusion: I can already predict that when this movie flops hard (and it will mark my words)
lol no
low rated
UnrealDelusion: I can already predict that when this movie flops hard (and it will mark my words)
StingingVelvet: lol no
I want in on that bet too! XD
New footage from D23 is out now:
D'oh, I swear I searched the top page of the General forum and didn't see the other thread.
Post edited August 26, 2019 by SCPM
SCPM: New footage from D23 is out now:
D'oh, I swear I searched the top page of the General forum and didn't see the other thread.
I tried finding this thread and couldn't so I made another.

Sorry about that.
I adore these movies but one thread is enough. :P
The final trailer is out now.
I remember the time when me and my friend went to cinema to watch Star Wars Episode VII, I haven't seen any other Star Wars movies since then and I was and still is a huge fan of original trilogy (but Ep.6 could be better with evil ending).
I don't think that Disney killed the franchise, I think it's a new era of promoting tolerance while being completely intolerant to normal "old school" things. And to be honest Lucas's prequel trilogy was not good either but 10 times better than current movies in my opinion.
Post edited October 22, 2019 by Cadaver747
Cadaver747: ,but Ep.6 could be better with evil ending.
That's an original opinion, why do you think that?
Cadaver747: ,but Ep.6 could be better with evil ending.
morolf: That's an original opinion, why do you think that?
Nothing original to be honest. I watched the movie when I was a kid and of course I loved it. After many years I came to know that the original concept for Episode 6 was quite different, some speculate (can't find the facts now) that Lucas had a heated debate with one of the screenplay writers and even fired him (again, no facts). But the Disney approached Lucas with the idea to monetize Star Wars and bring it to Disneyland so Lucas adjusted the plot for the happy ending to much younger audience.

Also one of my friends who is extremely interested at digging in original screenplay plot told me that it was planned that Luke Skywalker abandoned dark and bright side of the power and run into solitude only to create a new order of Grey Jedi later on.

So nothing original, I just like the alternative plot.
Post edited October 22, 2019 by Cadaver747
Cadaver747: So nothing original, I just like the alternative plot.
thx, interesting, I had never heard of that. Didn't even occur to me that there might have been plans for a more "grey" ending.
So, in "The Last Jedi" Disney wanted to kill the past - they succeeded. Now, with "Rise of Skywalker" they want to resurrect it. But what's dead is dead. And all their attempts to make that corpse dance look more and more rediculous each time.
Post edited October 22, 2019 by LootHunter
Saw the final trailer.

am neutral about it, could be just as awful as the last jedi, could be better, could be great.
will probably see it in the new year, aint going to go rush to see it or if I am invited to with friends will go
but wont go out of my way to see it.

been "meh" about star wars for years now, even before disney got the rights.
Star Wars sucks, Star Wars always sucked.
I might have not cared all that much about Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Adam Driver, especially considering the other films they've done, but after Star Wars, I hate these actors so much, I can't stand the sight of them. John Boyega the most, since he was also in the sequel to Pacific Rim. This latest trailer did nothing for me, but I'll still watch the film, just to finish the trilogy.

Funnily, I don't have a problem with Oscar Isaac, if anything I actually like the character of Poe, or at least the character of what might have been, Poe.
Honestly, i like the trailer, it has a good photography and Abrams is better director than Johnson.

But i prefer be still careful until the premiere and read reviews of people, not of critics paid for Disney.