ThorChild: Many people are much closer to the Dark Side than the Light in their daily lives, in how they treat their fellow man, or in how they vote etc. And at the same time those people are all ultimately having that inner conflict with morality that Luke faced in LotR (sometimes, and some will often be totally oblivious to it, or project it away by hiding behind various things (their 'faith' etc)).
Mafwek: LotR??? Middle-Earth is close to Tatooine?
Do you truly believe that how people vote affects their Force alignment (if I may call it that way, as an old D&D fan)?
Oops! i think i was meaning LotJ? But i had been looking at the Lord of the Rings Mod for Minecraft recently, so stuff happens ;)
And yes how you vote does indeed affect your Force alignment (i have no issue with that phrase, also as an old rpg fan). In fact everything you do and think affects your life's Force alignment, as each action has a re-action out in the world which can certainly affect other peoples lives.
As Yoda said, "For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere.”
This 'connection' of everything is very interesting as a philosophy, as it also has elements in the sciences as well (all the way back to the Big Bang etc), and i came across it during my martial arts training as a child, this eastern philosophy that i was lucky to be made aware off alongside the physical training of the arts.
Star Wars (Original Trilogy) does a fantastic effort of putting that framework into a sci-fi pop-corn movie about space wizards ;)
For me it was what made The Empire Strikes Back so good, less the big reveal (of Darth as Luke's father, surprising and interesting as that was), or the so called 'darker' story plot (of Rebel failure); those training scenes with Luke and Yoda were just simply magical stuff caught on film, and we are very lucky to have them imho.
But yes all our actions and decisions do indeed not only effect our own personal Force alignment in life, but they have obvious repercussions in the world around us, between you and that tree you cut down (or allow to be cut down) to how you deal with the people you meet. It all matters, it all counts. A Jedi attuned to the Force takes all this into account with their actions.
This is a large part of why the prequels and Disney Star Wars feels so hollow and empty to me, they lost the connection to the Force they so strongly and perfectly depicted in the Original Trilogy. It becomes a simple gimmick, a means to enact parlor tricks and battle scenes, and not much more.