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fronzelneekburm: Funny you should mention that, but that's something that seems to be really widespread with this film. I know some pretty hardcore Star Wars fans who are super spoiler sensitive who would lose their minds if you revealed just the most minute story detail before they had seen the movie. They used to be first in line for tickets, but this time around every single one of them is like "Read the synopsis on Wikipedia, not gonna bother with this." They really scorched their $4bn soil.
Its opening isn't far behind the last two by much, and it's a massive hit by any general measure. The Mandalorian is a big hit. This "Star Wars is dead!!!" stuff is meaningless internet bubble speak. Star Wars will be fine, especially if they make a good movie in a couple years.

I say this as someone who hates The Last Jedi (but quite liked Rogue One and Solo).
StingingVelvet: Its opening isn't far behind the last two by much
Sure, because that's when the most deluded retards who are still willing to spend money on this dreck flock to the cinemas so they can later nerdrage on the internet about what a piece of shit it was.

StingingVelvet: and it's a massive hit by any general measure.
The jury is still out on that one. From what I've read, their opening gross is behind what they projected as the opening gross for freakin' Solo to be.

Mark my words, even if it does okay on the opening weekend, it will sink like a fucking rock on the second weekend. I bet you this thing will make $600-750 million tops. The only thing they got working in their favor is that it's christmas and the only other thing people can see in theatres is Cats.

StingingVelvet: if they make a good movie

You'd think this should be simple enough. This is not rocket science, it's freakin' Star Wars, it's not like the bar is exceptionally high. And they still managed to screw it up for 5 years in a row. You said that you quite liked Rogue One and Solo, but even you'd have to admit they're pretty poor movies by any stretch of the imagination.
I just want to say that this movie is an absolute offense to the viewer, an abomination unworthy of ending up in the cinemas.
The whole Disney trilogy should be wiped off the face of the earth.
Post edited December 22, 2019 by Alexim
fronzelneekburm: You'd think this should be simple enough. This is not rocket science, it's freakin' Star Wars, it's not like the bar is exceptionally high. And they still managed to screw it up for 5 years in a row. You said that you quite liked Rogue One and Solo, but even you'd have to admit they're pretty poor movies by any stretch of the imagination.
No, I don't admit that. I like them a good bit. Force Awakens is entertaining as well, despite being simplistic. Most people I interact with liked Rogue One a good bit too. Solo maybe I'm in the minority, but I think the behind the scenes issues tainted people and it's honestly the most original trilogy feeling movie of the lot.

Anyway... this exaggerated negativity is typical internet stuff when a movie like Last Jedi disappoints. I find it pretty silly, but you seem to be enjoying the hate so have fun with it. I guarantee you Star Wars isn't going anywhere.
StingingVelvet: No, I don't admit that. I like them a good bit.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're smart enough to know that there is a world of difference between liking something and it being genuinely good. I like a whole bunch of films that are rubbish by any objective standard. People like Plan 9 from Outer Space, that doesn't mean it's a good movie.

This thing will end up raking in $750 million at the box office or less. I bet your Cruising Blu-ray on it (IIRC you wanted to get rid of that one anyway)! Incidentally, Cruising is a hundred billion zillion times better than all of Disney Star Wars put together could ever hope to be in JJ's wildest dreams.

StingingVelvet: this exaggerated negativity is typical internet stuff when a movie like Last Jedi disappoints.
Last Jedi - dumb as it may have been - isn't the reason I'm gloating. It's the joy of seeing Disney falling flat on their faces due to their own hubris. They figured $4 billion bought them a money press. They thought they could pump out shit movie after shit movie on a yearly basis and milk dumbasses willing to watch that crap for every penny for all eternity. Within just 5 short years, they wrecked what used to be the most profitable movie franchise ever and fan reactions went from enthusiastic to indifferent to outright hostile in a miniscule amount of time and it has been nothing short of amazing to watch. What a trip, Disney, what a trip!
Post edited December 22, 2019 by fronzelneekburm
fronzelneekburm: I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're smart enough to know that there is a world of difference between liking something and it being genuinely good. I like a whole bunch of films that are rubbish by any objective standard...
Find me an atom or a chemical formula of good, and then we can speak of "genuinely" good things. Besides, good is ethical category, and you are discussing aesthetics.

Anyway, I am genuinely interested into what people people think about this movie. I stopped watching Star Wars after the first Disney movie, right in time when it became Star Worse. Two of my friends said it was lame, one said it's solid but pointless attempt to save this whole mess. From the spoilers I got, I believe I have the least amount of respect for this one, merely because they wanted to appeal to the Star Wars fanboys, and merely imitated the previous films.
fronzelneekburm: I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're smart enough to know that there is a world of difference between liking something and it being genuinely good.
Rogue One was genuinely good. And Rebels was even better. Mandalorian is also good so far. So, no. Disney wasn't treating Star Wars like it's "just a money press". Some people genuinely worked to make good stuff for the franchise. It's Kathleen Kennedy, who is at fault that Sequel Trilogy is a crap.
Just read a summary of the plot on Wikipedia, whoa, what a shitshow. Didn't think it'd that bad.
My gf even read the books, but stopped being a fan after the original trilogy because of JarJar BLING, and I almost stopped, but stopped hard after the second trilogy (chronologically) because of Magical Rey and several missed opportunities. I won't be seeing the last two movies anytime soon... I won't even bother using precious time and resources to download them either, it's just not worth it.

Only younger millennial's likes this trilogy apparently, drenched in Disney PC Magic... Same goes for TeenSolo. I mean, HollyBorked actually use millions upon millions to create a product that assumes the viewer is too stupid to notice their crappy product. The viewer isn't allowed to think anymore and the movie tells you even the most obvious things. Sadly, even Netflix makes series/movies directed at mind-numblingly stupid teens thinking the absurd characters on-screen actually are so cool and smooth, and makes smart and intelligent decisions with their over-the-top (teen)drama.

It's like with many AAA games, they only focus on eye-candy; beautiful landscapes, semi-good CGI and powdered porn stars with bright teeths.

Rogue One and the animated series are actually so good compared to these flops, it actually deserves several awards XD

(I do exaggerate, NOT)
Mafwek: Find me an atom or a chemical formula of good, and then we can speak of "genuinely" good things.
Between this and your deliberations on the Bioshock series, methinks you had a little too much to drink from the postmodernist swill.

At the very least you seem to be enjoying the fall of Star Wars with a similar kind of detached bemusement, so pull up a chair, grab some popcorn and let's see this thing BURN!

LootHunter: Rogue One was genuinely good.
Naw, man. It was okayish, but ultimately it was mediocre grimdark fan fiction. Remember that very first level in Dark Forces where Kyle Katarn just walks into an Empire base, grabs the Death Star plans off a desk and calls it a day? Much more exciting than Rogue One. And I'm not bemoaning this because I'm some oldskool fanboy with fond childhood memories of Dark Forces. I literally only started playing that game about half a year ago and I realised that, lol, I had just played through the entirety of Rogue One in the tutorial level, and it didn't waste 2 hours of my life.
Dark forces is a surprisingly good game, played it for the first time in 2018 and enjoyed it.
Story of the later Jedi Knight games wasn't anything special, but the setting (New republic, Luke Skywalker running a Jedi academy) would probably have worked a lot better than the story of Ep VII-IX where everything that happened in the original trilogy is rendered kind of meaningless.
Post edited December 23, 2019 by morolf
I don't know what y'all are talking about. There are only three Star Wars movies. Right?
*nervous twitch*
The biggest fan's of Star Wars are in the 40+ age category and from the United States (Source below). If anything this should've been called the Nostalgia trilogy, and episode IX shoved even more nostalgia in (Which I'm not sure was down to the poor fan reception of VIII or whether it was planned from the start) and I think it affected it negatively. There were a several new characters introduced but most of them were bland and the new villains were underused. I found the film alright, but that's it.

Source: here
magejake50: this should've been called the Nostalgia trilogy
WUT?! All characters from OT die and/or become miserable assholes, who are sidelined by "new generation". How is that supposed to be nostalgic?
LootHunter: Rogue One was genuinely good.
fronzelneekburm: Naw, man. It was okayish, but ultimately it was mediocre grimdark fan fiction. Remember that very first level in Dark Forces where Kyle Katarn just walks into an Empire base, grabs the Death Star plans off a desk and calls it a day?
Honestly, I didn't play Dark Forces. Though even if what you say is true, that just mean Dark Forces are better, not that Rogue One is bad.
PimPamPet: I don't know what y'all are talking about. There are only three Star Wars movies.
And only two Terminator movies. And two Ghostbusters movies (so far). And the last Star Trek series was Enterprise. And MCU ended with Endgame.
Post edited December 23, 2019 by LootHunter
fronzelneekburm: I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you're smart enough to know that there is a world of difference between liking something and it being genuinely good. I like a whole bunch of films that are rubbish by any objective standard. People like Plan 9 from Outer Space, that doesn't mean it's a good movie.
First off there's no such thing as objectively good art. Secondly while I definitely like some "bad" movies for other reasons... like say, Commando... I think Rogue One and to a lesser extent Solo are genuinely good movies. I think Mandalorian is a genuinely good show. I think your dislike of the main trilogy and Disney itself are clouding your emotions.

fronzelneekburm: Last Jedi - dumb as it may have been - isn't the reason I'm gloating. It's the joy of seeing Disney falling flat on their faces due to their own hubris. They figured $4 billion bought them a money press. They thought they could pump out shit movie after shit movie on a yearly basis and milk dumbasses willing to watch that crap for every penny for all eternity. Within just 5 short years, they wrecked what used to be the most profitable movie franchise ever and fan reactions went from enthusiastic to indifferent to outright hostile in a miniscule amount of time and it has been nothing short of amazing to watch. What a trip, Disney, what a trip!
I don't have any special animosity toward Disney. The goal of any corporation is to make money, that's always been the case. Ideally they make money by making movies people want to see, and the issue here is they made a really bad one (Last Jedi) that critics praised for political reasons and it damaged the brand. I haven't seen Rise of Skywalker yet but it sounds like an unsuccessful band-aid, but I'm sure they'll regroup and maybe fire Kennedy and come up with something better next time. My main point is Star Wars is too popular to be abandoned. They'll keep trying.

Let's also not forget the prequels were horribly written and also upset many fans, but Star Wars went on.