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The new trilogy is already unfixable at this point, but I'll enjoy this last episode as another flashy non-canon-for-me movie.
Plus the aftermath, if it's another mess :P
Post edited October 22, 2019 by phaolo
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Ma Rey Sue....and Disney.

Episode X: A New Hope...... or not.

Who is the chosen one? Clearly not Lucas nor Disney so who is it that will bring balance to the force and make a good Star Wars movie once again?
phaolo: The new trilogy is already unfixable at this point, but I'll enjoy this last episode as another flashy non-canon-for-me movie.
Plus the aftermath, if it's another mess :P
This. I cringed/laughed through the 2 movies but no more. There is no way in hell I'm going to see this in a cinema. But it might be fun to laugh at later on.
It will be foolish of me to waste money at a franchise that has been bastardized beyond belief and reduced to a petty cash grab by Disney studios.

I will pass.
I always said I'd never be one of those fans, I love the prequels for example BUT Star Wars is dead. It's very very dead and Disney is having sex with its stiff lifeless corpse!
sasuke12: It will be foolish of me to waste money at a franchise that has been bastardized beyond belief and reduced to a petty cash grab by Disney studios.

I will pass.
I hate to say this, but Lucas managed to do that on his own with the prequels before Disney bought the franchsie.
In fact, though seriously flawed, I enjoyed TFA a lot more then the prequels.
sasuke12: It will be foolish of me to waste money at a franchise that has been bastardized beyond belief and reduced to a petty cash grab by Disney studios.

I will pass.
dudalb: I hate to say this, but Lucas managed to do that on his own with the prequels before Disney bought the franchsie.
In fact, though seriously flawed, I enjoyed TFA a lot more then the prequels.
The prequels had a lot going for them and still do. The Force Awakens was just... recycled turds.
LootHunter: So, in "The Last Jedi" Disney wanted to kill the past - they succeeded. Now, with "Rise of Skywalker" they want to resurrect it. But what's dead is dead. And all their attempts to make that corpse dance look more and more rediculous each time.
I'm a huge Star Wars fan since '77. I even have a framed Star Wars poster on my wall and a giant Darth Vader in my office, but I haven't enjoyed any of Disney's Star Wars films and refuse to pay to watch them. I actually think all except Rogue One (which I didn't really like but at least respected... although I like The Force Unleashed version of events much more) have been travesties. Why they didn't work with Lucas' ideas...?

Anyway, Disney's Star Wars is all bad fan fiction IMO. I don't take any of it as canon... and again, refuse to pay for it. Too bad... had high hopes originally with Disney.
Post edited October 22, 2019 by kai2
dudalb: I hate to say this, but Lucas managed to do that on his own with the prequels before Disney bought the franchsie.
In fact, though seriously flawed, I enjoyed TFA a lot more then the prequels.
darthspudius: The prequels had a lot going for them and still do. The Force Awakens was just... recycled turds.
Here come the Lucas fanboys.....
Lucas did a lot to mess up the SW franchise before Disney bought him out. The first two prequels, might not be recylcled but they are sure as hell turds.
And, speaking of recycling, TPM is just a much,,if not more... a recycling of AHN as TFA,

jepsen1977: Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Ma Rey Sue....and Disney.

Episode X: A New Hope...... or not.

Who is the chosen one? Clearly not Lucas nor Disney so who is it that will bring balance to the force and make a good Star Wars movie once again?
Yeah, pretty much. I think that Revenge of the Sith and The Force Awakens, were pretty good movies, but don't really care for the rest of the post original trilogy films.
Not crazy about the Disney films, but IMHO some people are really looking at the least the first wo...through rose colored glasses. Disney could not have messed up a SW film more then Lucas did with AOTC,IMHO the worst SW film.
Post edited October 23, 2019 by dudalb
The prequels may have been pretty bad movies, but the basic idea behind them was pretty interesting imo, also clearly different from the original trilogy, with the setting of the republic being subverted and replaced by the empire. Good concept, bad execution. Whereas with the recent movies (haven't seen them), the basic concept doesn't seem to make any sense.
I think The Clone Wars animated series did a lot to flesh out Lucas' ideas, and put into context a lot of the elements from the prequels.

I will say that for me personally the sequels lack a lot of the imagination and world building that made me fall in love with the franchise. Even with the budget constraints the original trilogy movies always made you feel like you were part of this huge living galaxy, whereas the universe in the sequels feels so small and empty in comparison.

The characters also don't have the same charm or likability as the originals. But I blame that more on the writing than the performances.
Post edited October 23, 2019 by slbunny
morolf: The prequels may have been pretty bad movies, but the basic idea behind them was pretty interesting imo, also clearly different from the original trilogy, with the setting of the republic being subverted and replaced by the empire. Good concept, bad execution. Whereas with the recent movies (haven't seen them), the basic concept doesn't seem to make any sense.
The prequel movies were not great... in execution... but the story -- what Lucas was trying to accomplish -- was amazing. Taking a rollicking space-fantasy adventure akin to Buck Rogers (with a deeper "magic system") and creating a Shakespearean tragedy out of it was... amazing. No matter how much I disliked Lucas' choices in those first two movies, his premise always had my respect. The last of the prequels -- although having issues -- is a pretty effective end for that series.

The Disney films have no premise... no through line... no heart. Not one of these films was worth admission (and this from a fan who waited since 6 years old for a Han Solo movie!). They are as LOST as Abrams.
slbunny: I think The Clone Wars animated series did a lot to flesh out Lucas' ideas, and put into context a lot of the elements from the prequels.

I will say that for me personally the sequels lack a lot of the imagination and world building that made me fall in love with the franchise. Even with the budget constraints the original trilogy movies always made you feel like you were part of this huge living galaxy, whereas the universe in the sequels feels so small and empty in comparison.

The characters also don't have the same charm or likability as the originals. But I blame that more on the writing than the performances.
Lucas should have brought in directors for the prequels. Where THX 1138, AMERICAN GRAFFITI, and STAR WARS are brilliant, he just didn't seem to have the chops to pull off what he was trying to accomplish. Also, his choice of co-writers this time around was sadly lacking. But, as a storyteller -- guiding the series -- he's great... and Disney should have kept him in that capacity to finish the Skywalker Saga. Instead, they naively though he was over-the-hill, made it seem like they would use his outlines in order to make the sale, and discarded everything -- "stealing" unrelated elements for their "Frankenstein" STAR WARS -- upon writing the check.
Post edited October 23, 2019 by kai2
kai2: Why they didn't work with Lucas' ideas...?
I think it's part the fear of the criticism that Prequel Trilogy has gotten and part Kathleen Kennedy's desire to prove that "she needs no man". And ultimaltely no-one among Disney hi-ups understanding what makes Star Wars Star Wars.

kai2: Anyway, Disney's Star Wars is all bad fan fiction IMO. I don't take any of it as canon... and again, refuse to pay for it. Too bad... had high hopes originally with Disney.
To be fair, "Star Wars: Rebels" animated series made a good job of depicting the early days of the rebellion, not only having the good story (especially in the last two seasons), but also staying true to the lore (if expanding it a bit) and paying respect to classic characters that had cameos in the series.

Sadly, the guy who made it, hadn't had any say in what was going on in Disney's film trilogy.
I'm definitely going to see it. (I've got a Regal Cinemas subscription so no reason not
too since it won't cost me anything.)

I'm holding out hope that it'll, at least, be watchably entertaining (I don't think there's any
salvaging the trilogy at this point.) But, this is the second movie with space-horsies™ so
my hopes are not high.

Oh well, it was cool getting to see Han & Chewie again and I do think Adam Driver is
good as Kylo Ren... so, here's hoping.
Post edited October 23, 2019 by PhilD
No more SW for me in the forseeable future, I'm not even interested in the idea of watching EPIX whatsoever after EPXII thrashed the lore, the characters and turned this franchise into a joke.

The prequel might not be very good but at the very least they feel like SW.
EPVII wasn't original or perfect but at least was something to build upon and adjust the aim for the sequels, but no!
I can tolerate and accept EPVII: JJ found himself juggling pieces of different puzzles that he had to combine without having full freedom.

Rian Johnson had full fredoom and turned the franchise into a steaming pile of shit (your mama joke, Hux the buffoon, Leia Poppins, force download, nonsensical space chase, Luke depiction in general, Rey Sue, Snoke the idiot and many, many others).

Take random 5 minutes from a filler episode of The Clone Wars or Rebels: it feels more SW than whatever we've seen in sequels.