Celton88: All I want for Christmas is DROIDWORKS!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Also, I recently saw Chappie, a movie by the same guy who did District 9. It was pretty good. It was a story about a robot who gained sentience and you got to watch it go through development stages like a child. As the father of a 2 year old I could relate to some of the scenes :-)
I also see Real Steel a while ago. It's about boxing robots. Kind of like big time Battle Bots lol. It was good!
I was surprised at how much I liked Real Steel. I couldn't believe how bad Chappie turned out. I can't understand how the guy that did District 9, which is a masterpiece, also made Elysium and Chappie. The dialogue was disastrous in both those movies. It always seemed to me that the actors didn't have a script and they just ended up improvising their lines.