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Compared to the show, they are all... different. Partly because all characters except Picard and Data are basically reduced to extras (the show was usually pretty balanced in the portrayal of the different characters, it's not like the original series, where Kirk, Spock and McCoy were clearly the main characters in every episode and so were also in the center of every movie - but even in the TOS movies the other characters usually got more to do than in the TNG ones) and Movie Picard has almost nothing to do with Series Picard - he basically becomes an Action hero *SPOILER* who battles every Bad Guy one on one in every movie.

*More spoilers ahead*

As for the individual movies, "Generations" could have been awesome (Kirk and Picard together in one movie, what could go wrong?), but it's really pretty dumb - but at least it's kind of fun. I really watched that one a lot as a child.

First Contact is easily the best TNG movie, as others have said. However, while I consider it to be a great action movie and an OK sci-fi movie, I don't think it is a good Star Trek movie. Granted, even the TOS movies were mostly quite shallow and more focused on action or humor than complex issues like the show often was, but the TNG movies are particularly bad in this regard. "First Contact" is a lot of fun, has great effects and a cool story, but it strips what was arguably the strangest and most complex enemy of the series of what it made so unique by replacing the collective consciousness of the Borg with a single, individual "leader" in form of the queen. It makes sense in the context of the movie, but it somehow makes the Borg less threatening and interesting.

"Insurrection" is probably the most boring of the TNG movies, but at the same time the one that may have most in common with the series. It feels like a mediocre two-parter in many ways, but that's not enough for a major motion picture. It has also arguably the worst of all Trek Movie villains. You almost feel bad for him when Picard beats him up in the end - almost.

But it's still better - a lot better - than the terrible mess Nemesis was. To this day I consider it the worst of all Trek movies, even more so than the dreaded "Final Frontier". I hated it from the first time I saw it, and if anything, I like it even less today. No need to say anything else about it (I also don't have any more time right now), but no wonder it killed the TNG movies and (partly) Trek in general.

The one thing I really like about the TNG movies is the Enterprise E, however. A really cool ship and one of my favorites of the entire franchise. I would have loved to see more of her, or see her in better movies.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by Pherim
morolf: Yeah, they take place after TNG. But the only one worth watching is that First Contact movie which is quite entertaining, the rest is pretty bad.
darthspudius: No they're not. They're not without flaws, but they're certainly not bad. They're classics compared to popular tripe like Harry Potter etc.
but HP and the plagariser of worlds is so original and entertaining and not at all expelianus.
I did enjoy every single TNG movie.

FIrst Contact was the best for reasons already stated.

This is an unpopular opinion, but I really liked Insurrection. It felt exactly like an old TV episode, and I prefer that to the all-stakes-universe-in-danger movies. It was like randomly finding an old episode in reruns that you had somewhat missed the first time.

Nemesis was great too. I loved the idea of Picard fighting "himself". And the Romulands and Remans storyline was fantastic worldbuilding. Tom Hardy was great too. The story probably dragged on too long in the end, but that's common for movies that are expected to be epic. I don't think Data's death was intended to be permanent, or at least it didn't have to be (there literally was a backup Data waiting to be activated).

Generations is the one that I liked the least, possibly because I never watched TOS so I didn't feel a special connection with Kirk, but all the TNG characters were there to continue their journey. It was definitely a decent way to make the transition from show to movies.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by Caesar.
I loved First Contact. One of my two favourite Star Trek movies with the other being The Voyage Home.

Generations and Insurrection were crap and Nemesis was meh.

My personal list of preference in Star Trek movies (bold=TNG, italics=reboot) is:

The Voyage Home
First Contact
The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek (reboot)
Wrath of Khan
The Motion Picture
Into Darkness
The Search for Spock
The Final Frontier

The first line divides the 'good enough to watch more than once' from 'watched it because it's Star Trek, but no need to watch it again'. Below the second line is the area of 'Oh my god, those are rather embarrassingly bad'
I never understood the hate towards Nemesis. Tom Hardy made for a great villain, it had some very strong philosophical themes about identity (although they were never explored as deeply as they should have been) and I always thought the decision to kill off Data made sense from a practical standpoint (how would YOU explain Brent Spiner's age-related podge nowadays?) and was narratively quite ballsy.

Yes, some of the action scenes were quite contrived, but to honest, many of Star Trek plot devices have always been a bit of an excuse to incorporate some theme or another - The Voyage Home's time travel being the worst offender here.

Then again, I've always liked The Final Frontier, its rather satirical edge, the way it played on the long-established chemistry between Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley, and also Laurence Luckinbill's performance, who is one of my favourite Trek villains.

My (second) least favourite Trek has since become The Voyage Home. Not because it's not entertaining, but because it was simply a crap Trek film and was an little more than an excuse to place the crew of the Enterprise in the (then contemporary) 1980s. Strange really, as it's the film that I got into Trek with.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by _ChaosFox_
they're all bad

not sure why people hold First Contact in such high regard, it's just bad

but then TNG is over-rated too

Generations is decent
Post edited August 29, 2017 by drealmer7
I've heard the name Tom Hardy a lot but never really knew who he was. I was sure I had seen a movie or two that he was in, but nothing that stood out to make his performance memorable. I never realized that he was in Nemesis!
Caesar.: Generations is the one that I liked the least, possibly because I never watched TOS so I didn't feel a special connection with Kirk, but all the TNG characters were there to continue their journey. It was definitely a decent way to make the transition from show to movies.
Ha, having a connection with Kirk is what really murders Generations as a story. Kirk is nothing like himself in that movie. In the original series, Kirk is a guy who mostly relies on his wits to resolve dangerous situations. Generations reduces him to being Picard's hired muscle - "I need you to beat up an old man who beat me up. Can you do that for me, please?" Of course, this also makes Picard look like a pussy, so it's not like he comes off much better.
MadalinStroe: I love First Contact. Zefren Cochran has become my favorite character from Star Trek, I like him slightly more than Data. It was the only reason I watched the 2001 Enterprise TV series. He appeared in the first episode, and I watched the rest of the series hoping he would make another appearance(spoilers: he never did). At least Brent Spiner(Data) made several appearances on the show, and I loved his episodes.

Oh, he did make another appearance in Enterprise - in the first mirror universe episode...he shot the first Vulcan landing on Earth and had his people storm the Vulcan ship...

wizisi2k: ,
There is a longer version that adds more than the director's cut (DC is about 5 min longer. The extended edition I think adds at least 7 more minutes on top of the DC footage) BUT the only possible sources are A: finding the laserdisc B: finding the VHS tape of it C: splicing the DC DVD with blu-ray source and deleted scenes in the proper spot (this will be time-consuming but worth it. With A and B, good luck finding it (VHS tape will be fullscreen. LD may be low quality but it's widescreen.). As for being improved? It adds stuff to scenes (extends them and adds new ones in for some cases) that makes the movie make more sense so in that definition it does improve it.
Thanks for the info!
Post edited August 29, 2017 by morolf
Stevedog13: I've heard the name Tom Hardy a lot but never really knew who he was. I was sure I had seen a movie or two that he was in, but nothing that stood out to make his performance memorable.
Uhm... hello? Mad Max Fury Road?
Other than Insurrection I found the other movies decent to watch.

Even the infamous Star Trek Nemesis which I did not think was that bad a movie.
Caesar.: Generations is the one that I liked the least, possibly because I never watched TOS so I didn't feel a special connection with Kirk, but all the TNG characters were there to continue their journey. It was definitely a decent way to make the transition from show to movies.
andysheets1975: Ha, having a connection with Kirk is what really murders Generations as a story. Kirk is nothing like himself in that movie. In the original series
I could not disagree more. I love the prologue on Enterprise B, and I think Kirk's spot on there, wanting to take command again so much, but realising it's not his place anymore, telling the new captain his place in on the bridge and sacrificing himself to save the ship. And again near the end when he tells Picard to never let go of that command chair as long as he can, "don't let them promote him" because as long as he is the captain of the Enterprise he can make a difference. I think all that was Kirk to a T.
MadalinStroe: I love First Contact. Zefren Cochran has become my favorite character from Star Trek, I like him slightly more than Data. It was the only reason I watched the 2001 Enterprise TV series. He appeared in the first episode, and I watched the rest of the series hoping he would make another appearance(spoilers: he never did). At least Brent Spiner(Data) made several appearances on the show, and I loved his episodes.
morolf: Oh, he did make another appearance in Enterprise - in the first mirror universe episode...he shot the first Vulcan landing on Earth and had his people storm the Vulcan ship...
That was stock footage from the movie, he didn't actually come back to play the part. However, he did appear in a short scene of the Enterprise pilot.
Stevedog13: I've heard the name Tom Hardy a lot but never really knew who he was. I was sure I had seen a movie or two that he was in, but nothing that stood out to make his performance memorable.
Breja: Uhm... hello? Mad Max Fury Road?
Never watched it.
Breja: Uhm... hello? Mad Max Fury Road?
Stevedog13: Never watched it.
Inception, Warrior, The Dark Knight Rises, Legend, The Revenant?