vicklemos: Howdy GOG'er! ;)
What's your take on a
standing setup?
Yay or nay? Personally I think it's a terrific idea.
Take care and remember to stand up every once in a while! ;)
I had a standing setup for about 18 months a few years ago which I needed due to problems I was having with my legs from sitting down too much. It's a little awkward at first but you get used to it relatively quick. You do however still need to take breaks and walk around once an hour or more though or else your legs cramp a bit after a while.
One problem I encountered however is that it is impossible to use certain software such as flight sims and racing sims if you have rudder pedals / racing pedals as you have to sit down to use those, so it's a good idea to either have the workstation adjustable for sitting or standing, or to have 2 separate computer stations, one for sitting and another for standing.
As for the budget to make something like this happen...
- Fold a towel or blanket and put it on the floor for a padded standing area. Cost: $0 if you own towels or blankets already and can spare 1.
- Use a wooden crate, sturdy cardboard box closed and taped up, or something else laying around the house or garage to sit under the monitor and keyboard/mouse to raise it up, or use 2 different ones if you need them at different heights. Cost: $0
- Equipment: Nothing, or boxing tape.
I stuck a flat piece of shelving wood that I happened to have in the basement which was just the right size on top of the boxes so I had a harder surface for the keyboard/mouse. When I wanted to play a racing/flight game or something else that did require sitting down, it would take no more than 1-2 minutes to move the boxes out of the way and lower the monitor, kick the blanket out of the way.
Hey, it worked well for me for 18 months, don't knock it. :) Also, if you have one of those exercise balls laying around the house, try sitting on one of them at the computer also. Depending on your health condition it may be possible to do this and it can be easier on your arse/legs and even get a bit of exercise in. Just be very careful because you can fall off the ball if you're forgetful or don't remember you're sitting on a teeter totter. :)