omega64: Oh god, I'm so sorry.
Seriously though I hated that game xD
Puzzles made no sense and the humour wasn't funny to me.
Mondays suck, don't they?
In any case, it can't be worse than my personnal low bar for the genre: Jack Orlando. I mean, a protagonist that will pick up a
rotten apple core and repeat ad nauseam that "A guy could do something good with that.", and yet will refuse to look for clues in a garbage bin because he thinks it's dirty? I wish I could have shoved his head in the bin and have him extract every item them with his teeth.
Oh, and like many inventory items in the game, that apple core doesn't have any use or relevance.
And the big plot twist can be safely inferred from the manual. Gosh, I hated this one. * After that, I assure you Randal's Monday is quite enjoyable by comparison. ;)
* I've had an idea for a Molydeux game: a point & click where you sabotage the protagonist's investigation and direct him toward every trap.