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Ungunbu: is there an official list of promo games?
Once we get to 100 games, the first post will be it ;) GOG keep us all in suspense.
Torchlight - and still it sells.
Crsldmc: Torchwait
Nope. Already 3/4 gone.
Game #73: Mon, 12 May 2014 18:21:58 UTC: 11th Hour, The - 75% off ($1.49) - 200
Is there someone who doesn't have Torchlight?

I still have a bunch of gift codes if someone is interested...
The 11th Hour 75% off/$1.49 200 copies
WOW! Torchlight went surprisingly FAST!
Crsldmc: Torchwait
Grargar: Nope. Already 3/4 gone.
Yup! Morphed straight to the 11th hour. :D
I wouldn't never guessed that even Torchlight will go so fast.
I've owned all the Space Quests for a long time, but its satisfying to see favorites disappear so quickly.

Went out for about an hour and missed like a third of the sale, that's crazy.
HOLY CRAP! I didn't even see Torchlight selling, just went directly to 11th Hour O.O
Ungunbu: not sure if i already posted this since i'm having network errors


is there an official list of promo games?
HotfireLegend: Post 1. No full list for upcoming stuff tho.
ok thanks - too bad anyway
high rated
Amazing, folks can't give their old Torchlight gift codes away, yet it sold out in a blink of a moment.
ISC: Is there someone who doesn't have Torchlight?

I still have a bunch of gift codes if someone is interested...
I got another copy just to make the sale go faster, could have saved the money...
Game #74: Mon, 12 May 2014 18:23:32 UTC: Stronghold Crusader HD - 75% off ($2.49) - 250