Posted May 14, 2014

Registered: May 2011
From Australia

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 14, 2014

Thankfully I also have a high pain threshold. As discovered over the course of several tattoos over the last 25 years...

Having atypical trigeminal neuralgia ( was the worst pain I've ever experienced well and truly! There is a reason it is known as the suicide disease. Painkillers are useless on it and I was a guinea pig for anti-convulsants which were horrid so I tried to put up with it. Fortunately since I got lucky with 1 medication I haven't had it return since 2010 I think it last was.
Luckily I can function mostly due to being on very high dosages of oxycodone daily. I lack health insurance at the time while the government figures out technical problems (I applied online in January and still haven't been able to get me set up yet!), so I can't have the much needed tests to due surgery again so I'm just in pain limbo. But if I didn't have the pain meds I wouldn't be able to walk I'm sure of that.
Thankfully, all though my tolerance for both pain and the drugs are very high, my doctors are good enough to prescribe me high enough levels to actually allow me to function. The pain was so bad that it would cause hallucinations. Nerve pain is worse than actually physically possible (as in no amount of real physical pain can come close, not even child birth, amputation or gun shots).
I have thought many times of getting my leg amputated so that I don't have to feel this any longer.

Sale Tracker
Registered: Dec 2009
From Germany

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany
Posted May 14, 2014
There is no dialogue in the game and no text to read. The characters just mumble in a "fantasy language" which is pretty funny IMO.

Registered: Dec 2012
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From Germany
Posted May 14, 2014
20... 20... 20... 19 yes!
and now 18! 17!
17... 17... 17...
suddenly 15, and 14!
and now 18! 17!
17... 17... 17...
suddenly 15, and 14!

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

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From United Kingdom
Posted May 14, 2014

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted May 14, 2014

She spent all evening cooing them and worrying that they are not eating, drinking or moving enough. I kept telling her that they need to adjust to us here in their new home, that they are just a little scared.
Eventually she stops mollycoddling them and goes to bed only for our French house guest (a friend of hers who has been here a week and will remain another) returns from his day out at about 9pm. He makes a ton of noise and is cooking whilst singing, so he is happy. He did not even notice her poor babies when he arrived as he was too interested in eating.
Anyway she comes running downstairs to tell him to stop as her babies need to sleep. All the while they had been happily going about in the indoor cage eating their carrots and hay without any issue, they do not seem to mind us so long as we remain behind the bars where we belong.
Anyway he tells her he will add them to his dinner as they look so edible. He goes and gets the little one out and it makes a run for it, she intervenes and between them it makes a dash out of his hands, drops ~2 feet lands on its feet and makes a dash for it under our kitchen cabinets.
It took her about 5 minuets to "rescue" the poor baby who now has to sleep in her room with her to keep it safe. As for our house guest he thinks it was all a hoot. He wont in the morning, but he does not know that yet - I wont spoil the surprise either.
Anyway I did not even move from my chair where I am watching the sale and the forum, so I will now be sleeping on the couch to avoid further upset and to watch for my last game.
Not a bad night, but our guest needs to learn not to upset a mother and her babies! :) :)

New User
Registered: Nov 2011
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Egypt
Posted May 14, 2014
the fate of humanity is dependant on the sale of 11 Gomo's :D