Themadman007: What are the chances of Theme Park doing a 3rd round? That game is in my top 5 games of all time, and I JUST learned that it was on GOG after finding out about this sale a few hours after it went on sale for the 2nd time. I really hope so because I really REALLY want to get the game and just spend all night playing it like I used to on my Jaguar... Yes, I owned a Jaguar, and that was basically the only game I owned on it :(
novakac: Others might know better than I, but from what I've heard, the fall Insomnia sale went 3 rounds. It's up to you whether staying up all night waiting for round 3, and then waiting for Theme Hospital is a better deal than just paying full price.
Now see, if you wanted MORE games than just the one, it'd be totally worth it, imho. Why buy one game when you can buy six? But if there is just really only one game you want, maybe it's easier to just pay full price.
Yeah, Normally I'm the guy that just buys a game if I want it,I owned a small independent game store for the last 4 years so I don't really care about deals that much since I'm a big collector. I've already gotten a few of the games on the sale, but I'll stay up for a deal on this game, and if I miss it, then I'll just get it full priced.