Posted June 10, 2014

I'm sure many others will agree that the point of buying games during these sales is to collect games, not play them!
*admires my shiny shelf* Ahhh the pleasures...*rubs fingers on rusty spoon* I must find the perfect game...and collecting them seems to be it! :D
I've made a pact with myself that I am not to purchase games or accept gifts of games until I actually get some seriously solid playing time in :) Genkicolleen had me semi-break that oath already by gifting me a 90% off coupon for Conquest of Elysium 3 on Steam, which also breaks my other oath to stop supporting Steam to the extent I do.
One of these days I'm going to have to have a word with myself about honesty and oaths, lest I have to change my title to Oathbreaker and have a novel written about me. Coincidentally I happen to have one of the novels in that series, which adorns my pile of 'unread bargain second hand books' and almost rivals my collection of 'bargain unplayed computer games' and my collection of 'bargain incomplete beautiful puzzles' and...hmm I'm starting to notice a pattern here :)