Stilton: Fromage d'Viking... Now that sounds pretty damn good.
IAmSinistar: Damn, first foxworks, now you. Do I have some hidden talent with cheese-based taglines? Now I want one. Your suggestions here, people! :)
For now I'm going to co-opt one of my forum namesake's lines and say "Run, Cheddar!"
The first thing that came to mind was The Big Cheese. Do you have that saying in the States? No, its not a Raymond Chandler novel, over here it means the boss, the one in charge. It doesn't have to be taken literally, though.
Which reminds me of this:
Blessed are the cheese-makers?
What's so special about the cheese-makers?
Its not meant to be taken literally, it refers to all manufacturers of dairy products.
...the first one to name that film gets to choose a game in this weekend's promo.
Stilton: Crusty is too descriptive...oh, the imagery......
CarrionCrow: Could also go with "slimy", "speckled with faded yellow, red and brown spots", or the perennial favorite, "Oh dear god, where did that green stuff come from?!?!"
I sincerely hope those aren't taken from personal experience...