Posted May 17, 2014
high rated

Edit just to clarify any possible misinterpretation here: Stilton is absolutely charming, and was kind enough to listen to me ramble shortly about how this kind of behaviour irritates me, rather than having acted in any dishonourable way. I just seem to fail at communicating things in text, hence the mostly lurking ...
Re the witch hunt for scammers. I don't want to set off paranoia or divide the community further. If one finds they do get scammed, the best advice is to learn from it and take steps to prevent it happening again :) Remember we can only lose what we choose to, and a gift is a gift, even if it goes to whatever one's conception of the most horrid human being is. I have found that giving without the expectation of anything other than the joy of giving works best to make this thought process easier. I have also found that those who continually take(I definitely fit into that category when I was younger) get lessons in life that give them the opportunity to change, and if those lessons are ignored they are repeated more and more strongly. Those who do not reciprocate energy don't lead very fulfilling lives. If their focus is on "stuff" to the exclusion of others, they miss out on one of the major joys in life, and that is relationships with other beings. They can be with humans, other animals, plants...that is the "stuff" that is important in life to me :)
After my 11 year relationship ended with my fiance in 2010 I left everything I knew - my location, my stuff, my friends and went roaming with a backpack. That was the 2nd time in life I was homeless, but that time was my choice. Having no house, no bills, and a tent in the bush camped by a reservoir with all of my belongings able to fit into my pack, it was liberating. It was also lonely and one of those moments in life where I realised that as much as I love nature, I have a social monkey brain and human contact was important to me.
When I finally get this decent rest in(why am I still awake as it is nearing 3am??? lol) I will put together a few tips on how to minimise the chances of being scammed. The reason I haven't done it so far is that I want to ensure that my mind is functioning a bit better and to test a couple of things :)
Edit: just a small addition and the way I think about losing a game or few to greedy buggers. I already know that I have gifted in this sale stuff to the exact type of people I am warning others about in manic sleep-deprived moments. And I'm ok with that. The experience and connections made with others and trying to help brighten people's lives up was well and truly worth it. If that "cost" is a few $$$ and sending energy someone's way who might not "deserve" it, then perhaps I'd like to think that maybe the experience could even get that person to re-evaluate themselves and what they want in life :)
Post edited May 17, 2014 by Tarnicus