Khajiin: There aren't enough games left for the whole story sorry :D
omegaunit: Unless you are a Gentleman Adventurer I think Tiny and Big has you covered :)
"Well, dear sir, I shall start my tale then. I was born in a moderately poor house, the third in a family of eight siblings in a small village close to the lovely Bavarian plains. It's an admirable region to live in, not too cold in the winter and a fairly adequate place to create a bit of livestock. But where I was? Oh yes, the house. Our house was not too shabby, and it was comfortable enough that one or other neighbour always asked us to keep their children for a few days while they were away. These neighbours were merchants and they spent several days on the road at a time, visiting villages all over the region and up to the north, selling their wares. We had their kids with us during those days, and we didn't mind them. They were nice company, if a bit uneducated. But I digress. As I was saying... Say, are you sleeping, my boy?
Good lord, some people have no manners!"
Disclaimer: I have no idea if anything I wrote is even remotely true, including the geography or descriptions. I also don't know the meaning of "shabby".