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I know its subjective, but what are your thoughts on Grimm? Worth picking up at this price?
Momo1991: Um, well, you see MAHAY didn't quite have the same je ne sais quo to it as MAHAYO - thus the O - and well MomO ;-p
caledhel: lol OK, I see. I was trying to figure out. It was driving me mad.
Actually someone found that it means "post" on some African language - weird huh?
craig_ethan_123: Good morning!
Tekkaman-James: Betrayal at Krondor Pack - Still to come

Capitalism 2 - Missed

FTL: Advanced Edition - Still to come

Gobliiins pack - Still to come

Guild Gold Edition, The - Missed

Long Live the Queen - Still to come

Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries - Missed

Stronghold Crusader HD - Still to come
Thank you
Momo1991: Does that include Rabbits?

~btw, I think Tarnicus wanted a copy of Grimm for MunkiSiren~
Nope I didn't but thanks for thinking of us :)
craig_ethan_123: Good morning!
Have I missed
Betrayal at Krondor Pack - NO

Capitalism 2 - YES

FTL: Advanced Edition - NO
Gobliiins pack - NO
Guild Gold Edition, The - YES

Long Live the Queen - NO

Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries - YES

Stronghold Crusader HD - NO
Pica-Ludica: See list here. :)
Thank you
IAmSinistar: Oh dear lord! Glad you are okay, but yes, such is the power of the Insomnia sale. Still, if you're not so lucky next time, we'll all come over and sign your cast with game codes. ;)
lol - nice!

My wife doesn't understand me. I turn fifty this month, and I'm acting like a kid in a candy shop with this sale. She just rolls her eyes and tells our girls that "Dad's going to go to a nice comfy room with padded walls."
ryuutane: My workday ended at 5 but I'm still at my computer because I did not want to miss any deals besides the ones I already did...
I wonder if I should risk it and leave, I'll make it to my computer at home in about 30 minutes...

I'm still looking forward to Betrayal at Krondor, Desperados, FTL, Gobliiins, LLtQueen, S&M Beyond Time and Space
I those happen to come on in the next 30 minutes, could a kind soul grab a backup copy and I'll get the next offer that they want as a gitf.

But I'm somewhat hoping there won't be any need for this :)
kmolloy: Yes, I will be the watcher on the web.
Thank you so much!
I'll try to hurry the train along :)
Anybody got any food, I'm starving.
Coelocanth: She just rolls her eyes and tells our girls that "Dad's going to go to a nice comfy room with padded walls."
Stilton: Anybody got any food, I'm starving.
I think we have some Stilton in the fridge. Oh, wait... :P
Stilton: Anybody got any food, I'm starving.
Profiteroles 4EVER!
Stilton: Anybody got any food, I'm starving.
Coelocanth: I think we have some Stilton in the fridge. Oh, wait... :P
Yuck! Cheese, Gromit!
Post edited May 16, 2014 by Momo1991
Stilton: Anybody got any food, I'm starving.
My better part left me some chili before leaving to band practice.
I guess Grimm wants me to fetch that now. =)
How many games are still left to come up?
Anyone else is waiting for Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space?
And Sam & Max Hit the road as well as :)?
Stilton: Anybody got any food, I'm starving.
Coelocanth: I think we have some Stilton in the fridge. Oh, wait... :P
Wasn't somebody making some rhubarb pie?