Posted May 16, 2014

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States

Faceless Teddy
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted May 16, 2014
Looks Like the express train has plateau'd.
If Long Live the Queen doesn't pop up before I hit the sack I might as well buy it full price. A game's a game!
If Long Live the Queen doesn't pop up before I hit the sack I might as well buy it full price. A game's a game!

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States

Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted May 16, 2014

I'm watching for Cap 2 myself.
Could someone please explain or link me the info on what pairing is?
Post edited May 16, 2014 by SpellSword

New User
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted May 16, 2014
Post edited May 16, 2014 by blueshell

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted May 16, 2014
lol - I actually got some things done today during the Keaning periods. Painted the upstairs hallway, ripped off some baseboards, and got the new flooring moved upstairs ready to be installed. Not bad for the period of time Syberia 2 was up!

Registered: Dec 2013
From San Marino

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted May 16, 2014

Likewise I couldn't possibly finish the games I have in my collection, but I do like having the variety of choice and hoarding nostalgia in particular. I'm definitely focusing my purchases on DRM free where I can now, as I'm a bit unhappy with myself for how much I've supported Steam and the potential difficulties that may cause in the longrun for game development and publishing. Yes I can see how it's done some "good" but I'm concerned about the changes to the internet that have been going on since I started using it it 1996/7.
To put it simply, I'm starting to feel that I've sold out a bit in favour of cheap games and accessing stuff on the net that once upon a time I wouldn't have gone near.
What are those changes?
Everything being monitored - why just because I wish to access my email, social media, favourite gaming platform, watch a movie or listen to music or simply use an internet browser(W3C changes), is so much information about my browsing and computer usage practises sent to people? Yes I realise within so many user agreements(which don't supersede the law, at least in this country) I am "agreeing" to this, but seriously the choice to opt-out is becoming more and more difficult unless I ignore the internet.
DRM is mandatory - legislative changes influenced by corporations with more money than many governments has changed the definition of owning something to basically mean renting or using a service. Once upon a time not a word was said about maxing mix tapes, copying games, installing games on multiple computers etc.
Freedom - this is what it links back to. And as much as I loathe to use a term that I see as being misused or used to justify harming others, the freedom of ownership of people of the internet is eroding. In this country we are taking many steps backwards, and this is following the lead of the US power brokers unfortunately. I was reading proposed(or passed?) legislation a few weeks ago where government employees are not allowed to criticise the government, even anonymously via social media. Seriously WTF? 1984...
I went on a tangent almost unrelated to the initial post :D Er yes, I have lots of games! lol
But yes, I agree we should not let steam monopolize the market. If people have no choice but to get steam for games it can enforce whatever anti-consumer practice it wants. Look at the Microsoft and what happens when they get a monopoly of the market.
They are even dropping support for Windows 8.1 soon even thought it is newly release.

Reet mazer
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2014

Could someone please explain or link me the info for this?
But the pairs are randomized.
So, we get a random game, then we can look at the list and figure out what's next.
Then another random, and so on.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted May 16, 2014

Could someone please explain or link me the info for this?

But the pairs are randomized.
So, we get a random game, then we can look at the list and figure out what's next.
Then another random, and so on.
Thank you for the info! ^_^

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada

Shadow User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted May 16, 2014

"Just because a game is available on Steam DOES NOT MEAN it uses Steam's DRM. Steam's CEG component -- the component that locks games to the client, forces you to verify your files online after every install, locks a game to a single account forever, etc. -- is 100% optional, and Goat Simulator happens to not use it. If you want to, you can download Goat Simulator, uninstall Steam completely, go to the Goat Simulator folder, and run the game without Steam even being on your machine.
The problem with Goat Simulator -- and other games, like Strike Suit Zero -- is that even though it's DRM-free, the game was programmed to save data only in Steam's cloud saves folder, which means that while you'll be able to play the game without Steam, you won't be able to save or load your progress unless you have the client running while you play. "
Sooo close to actually being DRM free with the current release lol

Imho if it can only save into Steams cloud that's effectively locking a basic game function to that service... DRM anyone?

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted May 16, 2014
I went to sleep and missed Democracy 3. Is someone willing to trade his spare copy? (Worst part, last game before sleep was Hitman 2)

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Egypt
Posted May 16, 2014
The Keene Express :D
Post edited May 16, 2014 by ahmedshaltout